Guest book

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Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Winner Greetings

Medal Count









Sep 30, 2000



Molla Mignote

Friday, 11/17/00, 12:05 PM

 Haile Gebre Selassie, Ethiopia's unque son (YE BIRKIYE LIJ): May the God-of-us-all fill you with more energy to see you run around the world! Derartu Tulu! our pride and Golden doughter of Ethiopia keep up the good work and the famous name of Ethiopia! Fatuma Roba! our soul sister: Are we going to see you once again run on the streets of Boston where you won three GOLD and a Bronth! Gezahign Abera! the man who lifted the legasy of Abebe Bikila and Mamo Wolde: May you get the enregy to return to Boston for a Gold! Million Wolde: the young Ethiopian on the foot-spore of Haile Gebre Sellasie: Keep-up the good work buddy! Gete Wami: The young lady with two medals from sydeny! Gold and don't give up the hope!!!! Congratulations to all of you!!! Molla Mignote, Boston, MA, USA. From: Boston ~

Dr. Tadesse Zerihun

 Friday, 11/17/00, 10:30 AM

Dear sons and daughters of Mother Ethiopia: Thank you so much for the wonderful inputs you made in Sydney, Australia. As expected, you did not only talk the talk on behalf of us Ethiopians, ... you did surely walk the necessary walk that placed Ethiopia second to the USA, First in Africa and 20th in the world when it comes to the number of medals collected. This is the first of its kind in the history of Ethiopian athletics. Needless to say, like any other Ethiopian, I'm glad, happy and thrilled to see the Ethiopians becoming world class athlets. Particularly, Haile Gebre Sellasie, Derartu Tulu, Fatuma Roba, Gete Wami, Gezahegn Abera, Million Abebe and all others who presented their good selves for the olympic competition deserve our worm and heartfelt congratulations!! Dear Haile Gebre Sellassie and all other athlets of mother Ethiopia, allow me to take this occasion, not only to extend this expression of my concern for your daily condition at work, ... but also of my intentions to offer votive prayers to the all- mighty "God-of-Ethiopia", that you continue to expeditiously maintain good health in your daily labors which you have already dedicated to the pursuit of those laboring to see some light at the end of the tunnel of Greater Ethiopia. Obviously, Haile Gebre Sellasie's, and other athlet's contributions (although of different magnitudes and of different natures and degrees), ... are a veritable 'sin qua non' to the ongoing endless struggle to attain the ever-lasting good name to Ethiopia, origin of mankind, civic- humanity, and symbol of freedom and national pride. In deed and very truly indeed, your dedication for the objectives of raising Ethiopia's unique social, cultural, historic, and archeological assets through your determined athletic efforts are likely to be one of the pivotal and vital corner stones to the the new generation of Ethiopians, ... not only for those born in Mother Ethiopia but also to even glorify the athletic treasures and historical wealth in the rest Africa. For whilst the importance of such serious, critical, nationalist and professional ventures as your's and few other serious Ethiopians can not be overstated ... who could deny the fact that "the venture of life itself" is of far greater value than are those life sustaining and comfort supporting professional and athletic ventures (the value of which can not be equated to the value of life itself). Rest assured, in order to succeed, although Mother Ethiopia has a situation piled high with grievance, we have to move beyond such blames. We've got to focus on what we are going to do tomorrow and the next day and the next day. In this regard, your active participation in and making your non-stop contribution for raising Ethiopia's name and that of Africa, helps build bridges beyond ethnic feelings in beloved and ancient Ethiopia. Indeed and very truly indeed, I have the confidence that you have yet a lot more to provide in your athletic efforts of introducing Ethiopia's unique and yet brave sons and daughters, who attempt to unveil the glories and agonies of Ethiopia, the origin and home of mankind and civic-humanity. So let me thank you very very very much for what you did in Sydney by introducing Ethiopia's name to the global public, ... and for this noble contribution you made ... not only to the Ethiopian community in diaspora, but also to those at home, now and in the future. In this respect, let me expeditiously express my acknowledgment of your contribution and how grateful I felt for your inputs. It is then dear Haile Gebre Selassie and other athlets, ... with this deep sited re-affirmation of my personal concerns and my appreciation for your inputs that I herein extend this expression of my felicitation of this very day to you and to your beloved family members, as I usuall From: Boston, MA, USA~


 Friday, 11/17/00, 10:26 AM

good web,good work,good result keep it up

From: windsor canada ~

Friday, 11/17/00, 10:23 AM


Antedalk Mellkamu

Friday, 11/17/00, 9:42 AM

In short I am Chamble Miruts Yifter's member I will love to talk to Haile and talk to Million Wolde. I am going to Ethiopia in summer 2001 and I am willing to train there so can anybody help me in finding Tolosa Kotu. Give me your feed back e-mail me at

From: Toronto 


Netsanet Kurabachew

Friday, 11/17/00, 1:35 AM

Dear Derartu, I like you very much, specially your nice and a happy smile face in the olympics not only in Sydney but also in Barcelona. If I get a nickname for you, I would say one word instead of Derartu Tulu. (like an advertisement Lavashkini-Sakitawa Lam) simile. I am happy with your excellent performance. You did perfectly. Congratulations!! Medaliya tekebelesh ye Ethiopia Bandira betesekele gize sitalekishe enenem betam aslekeshign. Any way ye hager fiker endih yadergal. God blees the rest of your life with your familiy.

From: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Web Site: ncaeth~

Emebet Mulugeta

Wednesday, 11/15/00, 9:47 PM Congradulations!

From: Ethiopia ~

Hailu W. Semaiat

 Wednesday, 11/15/00, 10:27 AM

Thank you for making it possible for people like me living overseas to congratulate our athletes on their recent Sydney great achievements. They have put Ethiopia's name above all Africa, for which we are very proud. We hope they will keep it up and do even do better in other areas of sport. Hailu From: Palo Alto, California, USA E-mail: ~

Haregewoin K/Mariam

Wednesday, 11/15/00, 2:57 AM

Dear Haile!!!! I am pround of you! You are the real Ethiopian. God bless Ethiopia!!!!!

From: Ethiopia/Addis Ababa

Ashenafi Yonas

Tuesday, 11/14/00, 10:38 AM

I just wanted to say that i'm proud of how our athletes performed in the sydney olympics and represented us in a way that reminded the world of our countr's fame (as being strong, united and peaceful) that had started to fade because of war and starvation. Thankyou and God bless you all.

From: Minnesota ~

solomon manyahle

Tuesday, 11/14/00, 9:17 AM

From: OKC ~


Tuesday, 11/14/00, 4:51 AM

Betam Ewedachewalehu ! Redtoachihu ezh laderesachehu Egziabhern amesgnut. Manim behailu ezh yederese yelem isu sileredaachihu new yhenen wutete yametachihut. Egziabher yibarkachihu. Ehitachihu, zerish gerba



Rev. Kebede Feyissa

 Tuesday, 11/14/00, 1:39 AM

 I am very much pleased and I am prowed of them May God bless you all who organise this kind of opportunities. Thank you. Now I can claim that I am an Ethiopian because of this quality people. Thanks From:

 From Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

Aster H/Mariam

 Monday, 11/13/00, 11:21 PM

 Congratulation for a job well done to all our athletes! I'm proud of them!!! Keep up the good work! We love you! Aster

From: Ethiopia ~

Aster H/Mariam

Monday, 11/13/00, 11:21 PM Congratulation for a job well done to all our athletes! I'm proud of them!!! Keep up the good work! We love you! Aster

From: Ethiopia


Hinsermu Bekele Geleta

Monday, 11/13/00, 5:56 PM congratulations to the athletes who have made their country, and their people all over the world, very proud. keep it coming. I expect the same, if not better, results in the next olympics. bravo! Hinsermu Geleta From: Ottawa, Canada ~


Monday, 11/13/00, 4:01 PM

i lov e ethiopian athelatics so contnoulike this thank you

 From: oromo Web Site: taha


taha mohammed

Monday, 11/13/00, 3:57 PM

i love ethiopian athelatics special fatuma and haile

From: ethiopia Web Site: walddee

Abdulwahab Seid

 Monday, 11/13/00, 1:42 PM

I am proud of our patriotic athelets. ... I want them to keep up. They showed to the world that our history is not only of war and famine, but we have history like Sidney 2000. I specially urge Haile to use his celebrity to aggetate our peopele how to come out of poverity and backwardness as well as to get wonderful results as of Sydney 2000 in the rest of sports, especially football by his famous logo " Yichalal ". Thank you.

From: Jeddah - Saudi Arabia ~

Abdulwahab Seid Monday, 11/13/00, 1:23 PM I am proud of our patriotic athelets. ... I want them to keep up. They showed to the world that our history is not only of war and famine, but we have histories like Sidney 2000. I specially urge Haile to use his celebrity to aggetate our people how to come out of poverity and backwardness as well as to get wonderful results as of Sydney 2000 in the rest of sports, especially football by his famous logo " Yichalal" . Thank you. From: Addis Ababa


Dagnachew W. Medhin Monday, 11/13/00, 12:49 PM From: Ethiopia~


Web Site: ~

gelane workneh Monday, 11/13/00, 11:10 AM well done! is an understatment...all i can say is enanten yedrigegn!!!... From: chicago ~

Nahom Minassie Beyene Monday, 11/13/00, 10:11 AM If you go through the rest of the messages posted in this book of greetings, you will see Ethiopians from every part of the world that are rejoicing with your accomplishments. We as Ethiopians are proud to have you all representing our country. Ethiopians rejoice today because you have brought honor to our country. May the Lord bless you and keep you in health. Peace! Nahom From: Dallas, Texas Web Site: The ETOPN Workshop ~

Beyene Awlachew

Monday, 11/13/00, 8:50 AM

From: Ethiopia/Boston,MA ~

Telahun Desalegne

 Monday, 11/13/00, 6:03 AM


abye tasse

Monday, 11/13/00, 3:32 AM Je suis vraiment heureux de dire à quel point je suis fière de nos athlètes et des résultats aussi bien collective qu'individuel. Félicitation et merci pour votre travail. abye tasse

From: France 


Assefa Bahta

 Sunday, 11/12/00, 10:30 PM Congratulations!

 From: Ethiopia 


Ermias Solomon

 Sunday, 11/12/00, 9:50 PM I would like to congratulate all the Sydny Olympic participants, and give as more.

 From: Canada, Ontario, Toronto 


Dutch Interchurch Aid Sunday, 11/12/00, 9:43 PM To the olympic athletes of the Ethiopian team, Congratulations, especially to the gold medal winners. We watched your performances with excitement and joy. Well done ! Best wishes and thanks from the staff of Dutch Interchurch Aid, Ethiopia. From: Ethiopia ~

Meserak Asssefa Sunday, 11/12/00, 7:08 PM Good job and god bless. I am very proud. Love you guys :) Once again we are on top of the world. From: San Jose/ Long Beach, CA ~

Tirusew Asefa Sunday, 11/12/00, 6:21 PM We wouldn't be more happier than this years Olympic time. It was a great performance! We are all happy! Hope this fantastic performance will continue also in other fields of sport. Me and my Cuban wife promised to ourself to have a kid who is going to make proud both countries. Cheers, Idania & Tirusew From: Logan, Utah, USA ~

Yisehak kassaye Sunday, 11/12/00, 6:10 PM I would like to say we all are proud of the results of the golden children of Ethiopia. Thank you! From: Sweden ~

Demissie Tufa Sunday, 11/12/00, 5:17 PM enkuan des yalachihu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bertu,hul gize ashenfu From: Ethiopia ~

Mefti Sunday, 11/12/00, 3:36 PM I am really proud of Haile. CONGRA!!!.... I hope every one see's his victory and be involved in other sports as well...GO HAILE! GO HAILE!!!!... always love and peace for my ETHIOPIAN SISTA'S AND BROTHER'S... From: va. U.S.A. ~

jinka Sunday, 11/12/00, 3:27 PM They are Heros that introduced our country.It is good to be known some other way than drought or war. From: Kansas E-mail:~

Yohannes B. weldegiorgis Sunday, 11/12/00, 2:19 PM The Sydney olympic was a great victory for Ethiopia and for all of us. I would like to congradulate all the athlets. From: US Web Site: yahoo ~

Kindeya Gebrehiwot Sunday, 11/12/00, 11:02 AM Congratulations, I just want to say keep up the hard work, and we are so proud of you and Love you. From: Ethiopia


Sarah Tewolde-berhan Sunday, 11/12/00, 10:57 AM Dear Athlets, I am so proud of you all, especially Haile and the femaile athlets, as you are setting higher standards for us Ethiopians. For the new athlets I would like to say, I am so proud of you, keep up the hard work and learn from Haile, as he has been up it for so long, unlike the other well known atherlets. Follow Abebe Bekila, as he was the one who started it and keept up the hard work for so long. The whole of Ethiopia looks up to you guys. We Love you all. From: Ethiopia


Sosina B. Asfaw Sunday, 11/12/00, 10:23 AM thank you for reminding the whole world who Ethiopians really are! From: Urbana, IL

Sosina B. Asfaw Sunday, 11/12/00, 10:12 AM From: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia/Urbana, IL~


Michelle Fekade

Sunday, 11/12/00, 8:42 AM

Congratualations to all you runners! We are so proud of you and how you represented our country. Love forever to you all and keep it up!!:) Michelle From: Ethiopia

Legesse Abetew

Friday, 10/13/00, 9:06 PM

I always dreamed the day Ethiopia once again to be glorious at the Olympic by wining marathon. This is the year all Ethiopians have to be proud and celebrate the achievements of Abebe Bikila and Mamo Wolde and other athletes by remembering them. Thank you and congratulations for Ethiopian athletes for bringing back marathon gold to Ethiopia. Legesse.

From: San Diego


Tigist Haile

Friday, 10/13/00, 7:05 PM

Hey, you guys.......... We could not be any prouder than this!!! WAY TO GO! P.S. For the ahthlets who were in Boulder, Colorado about 15 months ago --participating in Bolder-Bolder, please let me know where to send your pictures to.

From: Ethiopia


Eden Legesse

Friday, 10/13/00, 2:45 PM

I am so proud of our athletes i don't know what to say.God bless you and your families.

From: Ethiopia

Yohannes Abraham

Thursday, 10/12/00, 10:41 AM

I am very proud with the heroic performanse of our athlets.I would like to thank all our athlets from deep of my heart for what they did and achive at the Sydeny/2000 Olympics ."GOOD BLESS ETHIOPIA" "GOOD BLESS OUR ATHLETS" Yohannes Abraham

From: Addis Ababa ~

Helina Teshome

Thursday, 10/12/00, 7:48 AM

Don't know what to say, specially when you are in a foreign country and when someone comes to you and admires our athlets talents and team work by saying "You Ethiopians are something else". I am so happy for all of our athlets. God bless them and our country.

From: Ethiopia ~

Ataklty Abebe

Thursday, 10/12/00, 6:44 AM

Our heros have made the year 2000 our year - bravo (earlier our defence forces and now our runners). God bless you all. with love Ataklty

From: Ethiopia/now residing in the USA ~

Z. Mekonnen

Wednesday, 10/11/00, 8:29 PM

It just happened a day after the end of Sydney olympic for the first time. As usual noticing my unique face and style among the crowd on a certain event, I was asked from where I am from. I replied I am from Ethiopia. This time I did not need to explain why we are in war or why there is hunger in my country. But the inquirer with loud voice said "A COUNTRY OF GREAT RUNNERS!" and grasped my hand with a warm shake and congratulated me. Luckly that individual knows all about out athlets including their name and the topic then after among the crowd was about the heroic achievements of Ethiopis at olympics from the time of Abebe Bikela. Thank you our athlets for lighting out pride in the foreign land and letting us loudly speak out our origin. May God Bless You!

From: Los Angeles ~


Wednesday, 10/11/00, 8:25 PM

We are all proud of the Ethiopian team. Hope we repeat this in Athens 2004. LOng live Ethiopia, FREE MAMO WOLDE!!!!

From: ethiopia

Tibebu Hailu

Thanks be to God! Congratulations!

From: Ethiopia ~

Yonas Muluneh

Wednesday, 10/11/00, 9:09 AM

I'm glod to see our flag in sydeny olompic studym. And I proud for them .Viva Ethiopia behalf of our peopl i would like to say thank you for all peopl who particepated in sydeny olompic 2000.

From: Ethiopia ( Canada ,Toronto

Sied Morgan


Selam everybody! It is really amazing how "OUR BLACK TIGERS" performed in this Olympiad. Though we were dissappointed on how the Western media (Especially American) were reporting about our team, Our Heros showed from what they are made of again. And I don't have any doubt that they gonna show the world the same trend again and again in the future. Let me stop here. Selam. M.H

From: Chicago ~

Brouk Yiheyis

Wednesday, 10/11/00, 5:25 AM

I am so proud of our golden altletes.History will always remember them.

From: London

Web Site: St.GeorgeEthiopia



Tuesday, 10/10/00, 10:57 PM

What more can I say my Heroes, you brought sheer joy into my life. You made me proud. May the almighty Allah bless you all now and forever. I love you sooooooo much. Fedila Dubai

From: (Ethiopian) in United Arab Emirates ~

Sam Negash

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 10:43 PM

Word can not express my happiness and how proud you all made me. My heart goes to all off you. Keep it up. Haile you the man seeing you running the 10,000m like a 100m at the end it show what kind of quality you have and what kind of people you represent.

From: Maryland

Samuel Negash

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 10:26 PM

good job on what you did on this page

From: Maryland ~

Fasika Mesfin Tedla

 Tuesday, 10/10/00, 7:20 PM

To all the medalists of this olympic and the rest of the participants: MY HEART FELT CONGRADULATIONS! I am very happy for your success and am very proud of your achievements. Through your hard work and determination against all adversities, you have elevated yourselves, your nation and people above the ordinary, and I believe you have set an example for all of us to excel and bring forth better things in the future. Fasika

From: New York, USA


Ali Kaid

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 7:00 PM

Haile: Enkuan le adisu amet be dehan adereseh. Tebarek ye gna ge gna. Semachinen be alem asterah. Dagmawi Abebe Bikila nesh. Allah ke ante gar ye hun. Ali Ke Amerika.

From: Ethiopia ~

proud of u

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 5:36 PM

Thanks 100000000^100 times for being my ppl. you make me proud. Egzer yetabekashu....... proud Ethiopian.......:)) Ka saw ager...:(

From: Ethiopia ~

Dagnachew W. Medhin

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 1:55 PM

From: Ethiopia

Sarah Nebiyou

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 11:09 AM

I am proud of all you and May God bless you for all you have done for us. I love and respect you. I love you !!!!!! From:

Finland ~


Tuesday, 10/10/00, 9:43 AM Thank you for all the thing you did for you country and people.

From: Ethiopia ~


Tuesday, 10/10/00, 9:02 AM You make me proud to be an Ethiopian...Keep representing our beutiful country the way you do...congratulations...

From: Indiana, USA ~

Molla Hunegnaw

Tuesday, 10/10/00, 1:26 AM

I am too much excited about our medal standing at the Sydeny Olympics. Please extend my love to all the athlets participated in the game. Love, Molla Hunegnaw From: Ethiopia 


Mahmmud Osman

Monday, 10/9/00, 12:03 PM

Please forward my message to the beloved Oromo girl Darartu Tullu. I would like to conguratulate her for her great achievement at Sydney olympic. Could you please make sure that Darartu gets this message. Thank you for you co-operation. Dhaamsa Afaan Oromotiin. Baga rabbin si gamachise. Ati heddo maqaa biyya tenyaa ol kafte. Jajabaadhu akkumatti itti fufi kan sin jedhu Obbolessa kanke Mahmmud Biyya Canadaa irrayi.

From: Canada


Addisu Hunegnaw

Monday, 10/9/00, 8:31 AM

An astonishing reasult which will be remeber in history book not only for Ethiopia proper but also for Africa. Indeed it is a gaint step for our atleth to the African continent. Long live Abebe Bikila's pioneering step who is always an inspiring source to our present success and the future generation to come. My utmost gratitude to make us Ethiopians proud. Thank you very much !!! Addisu Stockholm

From: sweden



Monday, 10/9/00, 7:52 AM

Just to let you know that this is my first exposure to your site and I am impressed. Will say more later. Good job! I am proud of you.

From: Ethiopia ~

abraham yoseph

Monday, 10/9/00, 1:50 AM I am very proud of all Ethiopian Athletes GOD Bless you!! From: Finland ~

tadesse Gobu

Sunday, 10/8/00, 5:52 PM

I am proud of our Ethiopian athelets. I wish that i hear more of good news from our motherland. Long live the Ethiopian people. Cogrgulations! Ethiopia is portaied as a country where some thing positive can be done. Thanks to our heroic athelets.

 From: Seattle Washington ~

Dr. Million Hailemichael

Sunday, 10/8/00, 8:27 AM Congra Dear heroes

From: Minneapolis, MN ~

Tadesse Reda

Saturday, 10/7/00, 10:57 PM

Dear ETHIOPIAN Athlets(OUR HEROS and HEROINES)I do not have words how to express my LOVE to YOU,my ADMIRATION,my JOY and RESPECT,simply YEETIOPIACHIN AMLAK YIBARKACHIHU!GOD BLESS YOU!GOD BLESS ETHIOPIA! When I saw ENDURANCE I cried,when I saw Sydney-2000 I saw the rebirth of OUR UNITED ,STRONG and PROUD ETHIOPIA!(Mingizem AGRUN NAFAKIW!Tadesse.Canada)

From: ETHIOPIAN(Now in Canada) ~

Marakie Tesfaye

Saturday, 10/7/00, 8:43 AM

Who ever did this website is a great person

From: Ethiopia Web Site: ~Maki




Tuesday, 10/10/00, 12:48 PM

Well well well what can I say. You guys are Awesome keep up the good work. May God Bless You.

From: Menkir Y.


Tadele Yidnekatchew

Saturday, 10/7/00, 2:21 AM

The family of "The late Yidnekatchew Tessema" congratulates all the Ethiopian athletes who courageously represented their beloved country at "Sydney 2000" In line with the foundemental principles of olympism, which the late Yidnekatchew cherished and promoted to the last day of His life participation is more important than the medals. However, he would have been very proud and happy with the amazing results Ethiopian heroes-Derartu Tulu, Halie Gebeselalssie, Gezahegne Abera, Million Wolde, Gete Wami, Assefa Mezgebu and Tesfaye Tola registered at "Sydney 2000". These great victories have strengthened the unity of the people of Ethiopia, regardless of the ethnic religious, and political groups they belong to. Yidnekatchew always believed that unity is the basic ingridient for nation building. "Unity" has been strengthened by the out-standing performance and results of our heroes in Sydney. The family congragulates all Ethiopians and the athletes on his behalf.

 From: Ethiopia

Web Site:

Asrat Demissie!!!!

As a proud Ethiopian living in Sydney, I have no word to describe how happy and proud I was after the successful competition of Ethiopian Athletes. Thank you all for the special moment of my life in Sydney. We love you all and will support you wherever you will be representing our country. God
Bless YOU ALL....

Asrat Demissie!!!!


habte abebe

Have you read this place in the bible John 14:6 about the light of this

I love our athlets and they has made such a wonderfull fight to represent
our nation.

God bless you.

Daniel S.Y

 Friday, 10/6/00, 4:52 PM

Thanks our ambassadors. Your victory will remain in the memories of millions so long us we are alive. For those of us living abroad your victory mean a lot to us. After Hiles' golden win my proffessor talked about him and the legendary green flood that includes Abebe, Mamo, Miruts and many others for about fifteen minutes. What do you want me to tell what happen in that same class after our victory in the Marathon? Thanks again. We are blessed and proud because we have Haile, Derartu,Abera, Million,and many others. Congratulations Dr. Kostre. You did perfect. May God bless our land. From: of course from Ethiopia


Meri & Hewi

Friday, 10/6/00, 4:51 PM

Hello, we are really proud of you all. So keep up the good work. love Meri & Hewi ~

samuel erestu

Friday, 10/6/00, 12:01 PM

Congragulation for all Ehiopians in ethiopia and accros the worled. Lets get together and help our country $5.00 a month is like millions if we all so it by finding some organized way.leave the poltics to polotcians,because we all can't be arguing about our current affairs but can contribute money and make a big differnce. thankyou god bless you all.

From: windsor,O

N,Canada ~

Dejene Sahle Friday, 10/6/00, 7:08 AM From: Zimbabwe E-mail:


Thursday, 10/5/00, 1:22 PM

From a country known for famine and war, the untouchables emerged, making us proud and bringing us the honor. You (the athletes) brought us the lost spirit, you brought us joy and pride and most of all UNITY. Now the question is can we gear this towards restoring the image of our country? This is only the beginning! Thanks to you. God Bless

From: California

Gebreheiwot Girmay

Thursday, 10/5/00, 10:49 AM

Thank you great athlets! You made us so proud and happy! Haile's performance was so impressive considering his condition before the race. No one doubts that he is the greatest athelete in our times. From: Ethiopia

Trufat Bekele

Thursday, 10/5/00, 9:15 AM

All Ethiopian Team in Sydney, Receive my heartfelt appreciation for your effort in sydney. You did a good job. You made us proud as individuals and as a nation. Thank you so much for your effort. Keep up the good work. Once again CONGRADULATIONS and THANK YOU. Misgannayena adinakote lehulachihum yidresachihu. Trufat

From: Ethiopia

Asfawossen Asrat

Thursday, 10/5/00, 8:56 AM

Dear Ethiopian Athlethes: It has been a very long time since I have been dreaming about Ethiopia being the top of the world in at least one thing that the later can not deny, ignore or be indifferent, although deep in my heart I always believe that Ethiopia is the top of the world in many aspects.You are who made Ethiopia to be so !!! I do not have any other words to express my feelings towards you or your heroic acts. I followed every one of the runs where one or other of you were involved and I had never been so excited in my life. Especially during the Marathon event I was beyond my self when I saw Gezahegn passed the finish line and I said "It is finally back to where it belongs and where it should be !!!" - I was referring to the Olympic Marathon Title. I am very proud in my Ethiopianness, but I could never ever be more proud than this time. May God bless you and always keep up your esprits !!! Asfawossen Asrat Nancy, France

From: France

Web Site: Asfawossen Asrat


Thursday, 10/5/00, 8:03 AM


Tadele Yidnekatchew Thursday, 10/5/00, 7:32 AM In my opinion the most out-standing track and field athlete at Sydney was "Haile G\Selassie". He had won the 10,000 meteres race despite an injury that reduced his ability significantly. Furthermore it is his second consecutive Olympic gold in the 10,000 meters. He had also proved to the world that he is the best by winning almost all competitions he participated in, in the past six years.

From: Ethiopia

Web Site:


Dereje Abebe

Thursday, 10/5/00, 6:08 AM

The best is yet to come. Very proud Ethiopian

From: New York, NY

Fisseha (Minu)

Thursday, 10/5/00, 5:42 AM

Congratulation on a job very well done! We are very pround of you! See you again in Athens! Sincerely/Minu

From: Yohannes


Teodros Tilahun

Thursday, 10/5/00, 4:18 AM

Dear Ethiopian Victorious Athletes, Nothing more than this can make us happy .. We are very proud of you .. You have done a great thing for this poor country with very bad images for the outside world.. Because of you After Sydbey 2000 Ethiopia will definately have a very good image or known very well to the outside world. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN and I & my company staff ( MKTY IT Services) will all be on Bole Airport to greet you WELCOME with PRIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA


Dr Yossef Tadesse

Thursday, 10/5/00, 2:47 AM


From: Accra, GHANA


Thursday, 10/5/00, 12:48 AM

Phenomenal performances across the make us all proud of the legacy of Ethiopian running. Keep up the tremendous work.

rom: California ~


Wednesday, 10/4/00, 11:36 PM

congratulations to our heros

From: sweden

Fikre Wondafrash

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 7:09 PM

What a magnificent performance! Thank you to you all for making us, Ethiopians so proud with your incredible performances. May your golden legs be blessed forever! Fikre.

From: USA


Welela Alula

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 10:03 AM

Gurro Weshebaye! Gurro Wesheba! Jegna Dil Adirgo Sigeba Jegnit Dil Adirga Sitgeba Tebareku Mekuriawochachin!

From: Rhode Island ~

Mikias Berhanu

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 7:13 AM

Splendid Job! You all have made us to be proud of you and Ethiopia! What else can I say.... we are in the state of ecestacy and euphoria. You all certainly reminded us how resilent Ethiopians are and for that I want to extend A heart felt APPRECIATION to all of you. VIVA ETHIOPIA!

From: Washington D.C. ~

Hailu Sorsu Robele

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 7:02 AM

Congratulations!! on your victory. My wife and my two children were at your wedding reception last November at Green Park Restaurant. I also have some of your wedding pictures with me. I can send it to you direct if you e-mail me your address or I could send it to Woizero Marta Kebede the owner of the Restaurant.

From: Grayslake,IL 60030 U.S.A

Dan Eyassu

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 6:35 AM

Thanks for makes us proud!!!

From: Addis Ababs ~


Azeb Yideru

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 6:23 AM

What a team!!! I wish to express to you and to your family appreciations of your untiring efforts and wonderful success. I hope and trust the future will bring you still higher honors and even greater success. Congratulations!! Congratulations!! Congratulations!! Keep it up. When I was watching T.V. because of my happines to hear your success (as in Ethiopian) I was crying. Congratulations again and again. God bless you all.

From: Ethiopia



Wednesday, 10/4/00, 5:26 AM

 I wanted to extended our deepest apperication for our Ethiopian Athlets on behalf of all the Ethiopians in Kenya! You have changed our name,from war,famine to a great successful deed.God Bless you! May he give you the desires of your heart.

From: Kenya ~

Solomon Bekure

Wednesday, 10/4/00, 3:04 AM

Gosh!! Work lijochachin itsub dink ashenafinetin agonatsefachihun!!! Be Ethiopiawinetachin indakorachihun ignam inkorabachuhalen. Bemiketilew 2004 Olympics dil adraginetachihu indidegemilin ina lelochem Ethiopiawianim betechemari ruchawoch ina spotrtoch indiyashenifu talak mignot ina tselotachin new. Bezih agatami, lewedefitu inanten yemiteku wetat sportegnoch yemiyadgubetina yemigolemisubet menged tefetro kehager wichi yalu Ethiopiawian indidegfut bidereg yene Abebe Bikila, Miruts Yifter, Mamo Wolde ina yenanten yashenafinet limd lemimetut tiwlidoch be irgitegna lemastelalef yichalal. Inkwan hulachinim asdesetachihun. Bertu!!

From: Harar,


habtamu amera

 Tuesday, 10/3/00, 9:02 PM

i am proud of you guys....keep up the good job and put the Ethiopian flug over other countries. love habtamu

From: san diego,ca usa ~

habtamu amera

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 8:58 PM

youare doing a good job!!!!keep it up

From: ethiopia



Tuesday, 10/3/00, 6:12 PM

Our athletes, our prides, our heroes...Thank you for making us proud and for a beautiful performance! CONGRATULATIONS & KEEP IT UP!

From: CANADA ~

Sarah Tsige

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 5:24 PM

Great job! We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. :)

From: St.Louis ~

Serawit Bezabeh

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 3:54 PM

VERY PROUD TO BE AN ETHIOPIAN!!! Our representation was excellent!!

From: Ethiopia ~

Dr. Alemayyehu Ahungena

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 3:50 PM

I can not express how happy I am right now even if I were to say it in Amharic! You, our beloved Ethiopian athletes, have done way more than your share in reviving the victorious spirit of our ancestors. May God bless you. We will pray for you so God brings fullfilment in all your other endeavors in life and please do pray for us so we can one day follow in your steps in adding to the glory of Ethiopia. Igzia'bher yisTilin for making us so proud! Long live Ethiopia and her children! Ahungena

From: Ethiopia (USA, now) ~

Hailu Sorsu Robele

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 2:32 PM

I just want to say congratulations!! to Haile Gebre Selassie on his victory. I also met him last November at the wedding reception of Gete Wame. I was visiting Ethiopia with my wife and two children. Congratulations!! for Gete Wame,Derartu Tulu and others. We are very proud of them.

From: Grayslake,


Hailu Sorsu Robele

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 2:30 PM

I just want to say congratulations!! to Haile Gebre Selassie on his victory. I also met him last November at the wedding reception of Gete Wame. I was visiting Ethiopia with my wife and two children. Congratulations!! for Gete Wame,Derartu Tulu and others. We are very proud of them.

 From: Ethiopia ~~

Pieter Zeegers

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 12:17 PM

WOW!!!WOW!! It was supergreat to see the Ethiopian victories, bet'am ammasegenallo!!! A Dutch fan.

From: holland ~


Tuesday, 10/3/00, 12:00 PM

This is the only time when our country named for somthing good. I'm proud of you. Congratulation and god bless you.

From: windsor, canada ~

Milion Alemayehu

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 9:40 AM

Our Dear Athletes, What can I say to you ? You made us all proud and reminded us that through hardwork, dedication and love people can achieve anything. At this point in time, when Ethiopia means famine, hunger, war etc.. your achievements showed the world that Ethiopia also is a country of best athletes and, despite its hardships, Ethiopia is dear and near to our hearts and minds - we ETHIOPIANS! PS My apologies for not writing in Amharic. Milion

From: London ~


Tuesday, 10/3/00, 9:28 AM

Haile, Congradulations!!! inkuan dess aleh, and thanx a lot for making us proud. I will never forget the expression on your face when you were running towards the finishing line. I am proud of you, as all proud Ethiopians should be. with lots of love admiration and respect. Soreti.

 From: Ethiopian but now living in the U.S.

Michael Kumela

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 8:31 AM

Greeting from Boston!!! Congratulation to the eight talented Ethiopian Runners!! I have never been more proud to be an Ethiopian before. You guys are the greatest!!! You made all Ethiopians around the world so proud. You are the shining stars for our future generation. I hope to see you all for years and years to come. Again, Congratulations from proud Ethiopian in Boston, MA USA Michael Kumela

From: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ~

Anchinesh Hagere

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 8:29 AM

Congratulations to all of you!!! Once again you have proved the greatness of our country. I wish it would be the same in areas other than sport. Maybe your group effort and eventual success will be a good example to all of us Ethiopians.

From: USA


Manaye Ewunetu

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 4:40 AM Congratulations!!! You all are my heroes. I am very proud of you and very proud to be an Ethiopian. When we saw you raising our flag, we forgot all a our differences. You make us united under one flag and one name, ETHIOPIA. God bless you all. Haile, I promise you that all Ethiopians in United Kingdom are waiting to support you when you run the Great Northen run here in UK this October.

From: United Kingdom, London ~

Manaye Ewunetu

Tuesday, 10/3/00, 4:23 AM

Congratulations!!! You all are my heroes. I am very proud of you and very proud be to an Ethiopian. When we saw you raising our flag, we forgot all a our differences. You make us united under one flag and one name, ETHIOPIA. God bless you all Manaye Ewunetu

From: United Kingdom ~


Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Winner Greetings

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