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Sep 30, 2000



Greeting of the Day Winners



October  16, 2000

Daniel S.Y

Thanks our ambassadors. Your victory will remain in the memories of millions so long us we are alive. For those of us living abroad your victory mean a lot to us. After Hiles' golden win my proffessor talked about him and the legendary green flood that includes Abebe, Mamo, Miruts and many others for about fifteen minutes. What do you want me to tell what happen in that same class after our victory in the Marathon? Thanks again. We are blessed and proud because we have Haile, Derartu,Abera, Million,and many others. Congratulations Dr. Kostre. You did perfect. May God bless our land. From: of course from Ethiopia


October  13, 2000

Legesse Abetew


I always dreamed the day Ethiopia once again to be glorious at the Olympic by wining marathon. This is the year all Ethiopians have to be proud and celebrate the achievements of Abebe Bikila and Mamo Wolde and other athletes by remembering them. Thank you and congratulations for Ethiopian athletes for bringing back marathon gold to Ethiopia. Legesse.

From: San Diego


October  12, 2000

Helina Teshome


 Don't know what to say, specially when you are in a foreign country and when someone comes to you and admires our athlets talents and team work by saying "You Ethiopians are something else". I am so happy for all of our athlets. God bless them and our country.

From: Ethiopia


October  11, 2000

Z. Mekonnen


It just happened a day after the end of Sydney olympic for the first time. As usual noticing my unique face and style among the crowd on a certain event, I was asked from where I am from. I replied I am from Ethiopia. This time I did not need to explain why we are in war or why there is hunger in my country. But the inquirer with loud voice said "A COUNTRY OF GREAT RUNNERS!" and grasped my hand with a warm shake and congratulated me. Luckly that individual knows all about out athlets including their name and the topic then after among the crowd was about the heroic achievements of Ethiopis at olympics from the time of Abebe Bikela. Thank you our athlets for lighting out pride in the foreign land and letting us loudly speak out our origin. May God Bless You!

From: Los Angeles

October  10, 2000

Sied Morgan


Selam everybody! It is really amazing how "OUR BLACK TIGERS" performed in this Olympiad. Though we were dissappointed on how the Western media (Especially American) were reporting about our team, Our Heros showed from what they are made of again. And I don't have any doubt that they gonna show the world the same trend again and again in the future. Let me stop here. Selam. M.H

From: Chicago

October 9, 2000


October  8, 2000


October 7, 2000


October 6, 2000


October 5, 2000


October 4, 2000


October 3, 2000


October 2 2000


October 1, 2000


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