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 We translate your document from any Ethiopian language to English and we certify our translation. Good for INS and other official use

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ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ለመሄድ ትኬትዎን ከኢንተርኔት ላይ ይቁረጡ

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ለመሆኑ የቦ ምንድን ነው?What is Yebbo?
Addis Printing
Business Cards

Celebrate the African Millennium with style in Africa


Spanish EthioTrans es un especializar profesional del servicio de la traducción a traducir las publicidades, los folletos, las materias del derecho de autor, los aviadores, tarjetas de invitación, documentos legales, las etiquetas, los signos, los folletos y las documentaciones técnicas del inglés en Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, el Somalí y otro Etíope/los idiomas Africanos o de esos idiomas en el inglés y otros idiomas europeos. 


French EthioTrans est un professionnel de sur traduction publicités, brochures, dépose matériels, prospectus, invitation , légal documents, étiquettes, signes, brochures et technique documentations d'anglais dans Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, Somalien et autre éthiopien/Africain langues ou de ces langues dans anglais et autre européen langues


German EthioTrans ist eine berufliche Übersetzung Dienst Spezialisierung auf Übersetzung von Werbung, Broschüren, Urheberrecht Materialien, Fliegern, Einladung Karten, gesetzlichen Dokumenten, Etiketten, Schildern, Broschüren und technischen Dokumentationen von Englisch in Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, Somali und andere Ethiopian/Afrikanische Sprachen oder von den Sprachen in Englisch und andere europäische Sprachen


Italian EthioTrans è un professionale traduzione su tradurre pubblicitì, opuscoli, , flyers, invito , legale documenti, etichette, segni, opuscoli e tecnico documentazioni da Inglese in Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, Somali ed altro Etiope/Africano lingue o da quelle lingue in Inglese ed altro Europeo lingue


Norwegian  EthioTrans is a professional translation service specializing on translating advertisings, brochures, copyright materials, flyers, invitation cards, legal documents, labels, signs, pamphlets and technical documentations from English into Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, Somali and other Ethiopian/African languages or from those languages into English and other European languages


Portuguese  O EthioTrans é um tradução serviço especializar profissional em traduzir propagandas, brochuras, direitos materiais autorais, voadores, cartões de convite, documentos legais, etiquetas, sinais, folhetos e documentações técnicas de inglês em Amharic, Oromo, Tigrigna, Somali e outras linguagens Ethiopian/Africanos ou dessas linguagens em inglês e outras linguagens Europeas

If you have any questions or comments about this web site, please send e-mail to info@ethiotrans.com.
Copyright ©1999 -2006 Ethiopic Translation and Localization Services 
The #1 African languages translation Company in the world, we focus on what we know the best, i.e. the African Language                   For more information, please call at ( 619) 255 5530
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