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Langague Pair
Language Special
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Only $1250.00

Including tax and all fees

From LA, SD, SF, SJ Oakland, Seattle, San Jose, Phoenix, Kansas City, Denver, St Louise, Nashville,  and most Midwest and west coast cities to Addis Ababa.

You must fly between Oct 1st to Nov 30th, 2006

Call 619 255 5530

 We translate your document from any Ethiopian language to English and we certify our translation. Good for INS and other official use

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Amharic Interpreters wanted

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በዚህ ፕሮግራም ላይ ተሳታፊ ከሚሆኑት አየር መንገዶች ውስጥ አንዱ አንጋፋው የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ (Ethiopian Airlines) በተቀዳሚነት እንዲታይ እና መንገዶኞቻችን በይበልጥ የሀገራችንን አየር መንገድ እንዲጠቀሙ በማሰብ ቅድሚያ የተሰጠው ሲሆን፣  ሌሎችም እንደ ብሪትሽ አየር መንገድ (British Airways) ሉፍታንዛ (Lufthansa) እና  ቨርጂን (Virgin Airlines) እና ኬኤልኤም(KLM) የመሳሰሉት አየር መንገዶችንም ያቀፈ ነው፡፡  more

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Why you are choosing Ethiotrans for your translation and localization service?

1. Native:  At Ethiotrans we use native translators for our translation and localization projects.  We handpick translators for each project. That means the translator is a native speaker in the targeted languages and has lifetime experience with the language. Cultural and geographical variations of languages are important factors that will impact the translation and localization process.  We take these issues very seriously in order to provide the most accurate translation/localization possible.

2. Focus: Unlike other translation companies, we do not support all the languages in the world. Instead we focus on what we know best, African languages. We don't take assignments if we don't believe we have highly qualified people for that particular project.  Even we cannot cover the entire African continent because the number of languages is too high.  It is hard to find professional, qualified people to cover all the languages spoken in Africa. For example, in Ethiopia there are more than 70 languages.  We decided to support five African languages because of their popularity and demand. However, if you have a project requires an African language not on our list, we will certainly try our best to get you one.

3. Price: At EthioTrans, we are dedicated to bringing the various African languages to the 21st century.  We offer the best price available for our comprehensive services. We are the pioneers of African language translation and localization service. We know we are competing with big companies and an unstable market, but we believe in our quality of service at reasonable prices.

At EthioTrans our services range from translating a single phrase to localizing an entire interactive web site. 

These are some of the clients with whom EthioTrans has worked.  A more complete listing is available upon request.

  • IRC
  • Trans Perfect
  • San Diego Family Health Center
  • Multient.com.au
  • Mother Tongue Writers
  • Lang Tech
  • Landmine Survivors Network
  • Health and Human Services of San Diego
  • Alsintl.com
  • Inlungua
  • EEOC
  • Desta Digestive Disease Medial Center
  • Neighborhood Health Care Groups of Escondido 
  • Superior Court  of California, County of San Diego 
  • Care View Medical Group 
  • Life Language Service 
  • Atlas Translations Limited
  • CTS Language Link
  • Hever Translators' Pool
  • Trustforte Language Services
  • Globalingo
  • Schreiber Translations, Inc.
  • Worldlinktech
  • Red Cross of Los Angeles 
  • Dialog_Line
  • Thousand Tongues Translations
  • CLCI
  • Telepress
  • Worldlinktech
  • CTS LanguageLink
  • Casio Corporation
  • Big Language Format
  • Communication legal Translation
  • World Systems
  • SDL Int
  • CCCS Inc
  • WIP Japan Corporation
  • ZUXXEZ Entertainment
  • WebSmith Production Department
  • Lingo24
  • Language Weaver 
  • Language System
  • LionBrige
  • FIS Web
  • Atlas Translations Ltd
  • RIC International, Inc.
  • Susan G. Komen Foundation
  • US Bank
  • Maine Care
  • Minnesota  Health Care
  • Nebraska Health
  • US Job Corps
  • HegaWear.com 
  • ROHATours.com
  • 3dcinc.com
  • Redsearestaurant .com
  • Madeinethiopia.net
  • UEDP
  • Yebbo.com
 Hit Countersince March 11, 2004

If you have any questions or comments about this web site, please send e-mail to info@ethiotrans.com.
Copyright ©1999 -2006 Ethiopic Translation and Localization Services 
The #1 African languages translation Company in the world, we focus on what we know the best, i.e. the African Language                   For more information, please call at ( 619) 255 5530
                  Hit Countersince March 11, 2004