
Only $1250.00
Including tax and all fees
From LA, SD, SF, SJ Oakland,
Seattle, San Jose, Phoenix, Kansas City, Denver, St Louise, Nashville,
and most Midwest and west coast cities to Addis Ababa.
You must fly between Oct 1st to
Nov 30th, 2006
Call 619 255 5530 |
translate your document from any Ethiopian language to English and we
certify our translation. Good for INS and other official use |
Buy your
airline Ethiopian ticket on line |
Software on sale only 39.99+ S&H |
Amharic Interpreters wanted
ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ለመሄድ ትኬትዎን ከኢንተርኔት ላይ ይቁረጡ
በዚህ ፕሮግራም ላይ
ተሳታፊ ከሚሆኑት አየር መንገዶች ውስጥ አንዱ አንጋፋው የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ (Ethiopian Airlines)
በተቀዳሚነት እንዲታይ እና መንገዶኞቻችን በይበልጥ የሀገራችንን አየር መንገድ እንዲጠቀሙ በማሰብ ቅድሚያ የተሰጠው
ሲሆን፣ ሌሎችም እንደ ብሪትሽ አየር መንገድ (British Airways) ሉፍታንዛ (Lufthansa) እና ቨርጂን
(Virgin Airlines) እና ኬኤልኤም(KLM) የመሳሰሉት አየር መንገዶችንም ያቀፈ ነው፡፡
ለመሆኑ የቦ ምንድን ነው?What is Yebbo? |
Addis Printing

Celebrate the African Millennium with style in Africa |
| |
Ethiotrans creates partnership program with translation
professionals and agencies world wide to expand its language support. The
following languages are recently added.
Attention: Our Language list grows daily!
Newly Added Languages
languages July 9, 2004
1 |
Afar |
2 |
African French |
3 |
Africana |
4 |
Agew |
5 |
Algerian French |
6 |
Amharic |
7 |
Arabic |
8 |
Assamese |
9 |
Azeri |
10 |
Bambara |
11 |
Bengali |
12 |
Bosnian |
13 |
Brazilian Portuguese |
14 |
Bulgarian |
15 |
Castilian |
16 |
Chinese |
17 |
Croatian and Bosnian |
18 |
Czech |
19 |
Danish |
20 |
Dari |
21 |
Deresagna |
22 |
Dinka |
23 |
Djibouti French |
24 |
Dutch |
25 |
Dyula |
26 |
Esperanto |
27 |
Farsi |
28 |
Finnish |
29 |
Fon |
30 |
French (Canadian) |
31 |
French |
32 |
Fulfulde |
33 |
Georgian |
34 |
German |
35 |
Greek |
35 |
Gujarati |
36 |
Guragigna |
37 |
Harari |
38 |
Hausa |
39 |
Hebrew |
40 |
Hindi |
41 |
Hungarian |
42 |
Ibo |
43 |
Indonesian |
44 |
Italian |
45 |
Japanese |
46 |
Kannada |
47 |
Kashmiri |
48 |
Kazakh |
49 |
Kembatagna |
50 |
Kikuyu (Kenya) |
51 |
Kirgiz |
52 |
Kiswahili |
53 |
Krio (Sierra Leone) |
54 |
Latvian |
55 |
Linglala |
56 |
Lithuanian |
57 |
Luganda (Uganda) |
58 |
Malay |
59 |
Malayalam |
60 |
Mandingo |
61 |
Maninka |
62 |
Marathi |
63 |
Mende (Sierra Leone) |
64 |
Ndebele |
65 |
Ndebele |
66 |
Nuer |
67 |
Oromo |
68 |
Persian |
69 |
Polish |
70 |
Polish |
71 |
Portuguese |
72 |
Pulaar |
73 |
Punjabi |
74 |
Romanian |
75 |
Russian |
76 |
Sanskrit |
77 |
Serbian |
78 |
Serbo-Croatian |
79 |
Slovak |
80 |
Somali |
81 |
Spanish |
82 |
Swahili |
83 |
Swedish |
84 |
Tsonga |
85 |
Tadjik |
86 |
Tamil |
87 |
Telugu |
88 |
Thai |
89 |
Tigrigna |
90 |
Turkish |
91 |
Turkmen |
92 |
Ukrainian |
93 |
Urdu |
94 |
Yoruba |
95 |
kirio |
96 |
Uzbek |
97 |
Vietnamese |
98 |
(Senegal, Gambia) |
99 |
Xhosa |
100 |
Languages |
We have translators all over the world speaking various
languages and have diverse backgrounds, please see the small clips taken for our
resume database.
My background includes Civil Engineering
studies at the National University of Colombia, research assistance for
analysis and evaluation of numerous structural and geological problems, and
finally I have provided language translations and interpretations for the
Energy & Mines Industry as a freelance translator and with Translation
Agencies in United States. |
Born in California, USA and raised in Spain.
BILINGUAL. • More than 17 YEARS as a professional translator and
interpreter. Over 130 DAYS of simultaneous or consecutive interpretation
each year.
• More than 60 COMMERCIAL MOVIES translated and adapted for their dubbing
into Spanish. |
I’m a Mechanical engineer. I obtained a
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona
and a French Master Degree in Mechanical/Reliability Engineering from
l'Ecole Centrale of Paris, France. |
I am a language-learning enthusiast. I
started studying languages when I was 11. When I was 15, I alredy could
speak spanish (castillian), english, portuguese and italian. Now I'm
learning greek, arabic and I'm also pretty advanced in german. My speciality
is to make locution. I'm able to do it in more than 20 languages. I have
demo sound files in 20 languages (spanish, french, portuguese, dutch, german,
danish, norwegian, finnish, turkish, croatian, czech, slovenian, slovakian,
swedish, english, italian, russian, ukranian, greek and arabic). I can also
do it in galician, but I have no demonstration files of it. |
Besides my regular work with the
Organisation during these years, I covered , from 1981 to 2000, all annual
sessions of OAU Head of States Summits, all annual sessions of the OAU
Councils of Ministers and various governmental and non governmental
conferences. I covered various topics such as : Politics, Trade, Finance,
Economics, Legal, Environment, Labour and Social affairs, Telecommunication,
Population, Refugees. |
Fluent in German, NAATI accredited
professional translator since 2004. Working knowledge of Italian, French,
Swedish and Polish. Proficient in the use of mainstream business
applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and specialist Macintosh applications
(Quark, Photoshop, Ragtime). Typing speed 60 wpm. |
EDUCATION: Polytechnic University from
Bucharest – Aeronautical Engineering Faculty
Translator License – accredited by the Special Commission of the Ministry
of Education |
I am a freelance Translator and Interpreter
in Arabic-English- Urdu-Hindi languages having an experience of over five
years. I have done translations for various corporate firms, government
departments, and agencies based in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore into and
from these languages. |
Master in Culture, Law, Economy and Politics
of the European Union, University of Chieti “G.D’Annunzio”, Faculty of
Economics (1995/96) |
Licensed Translator
Professor of English and
American Literature |
I have been translating for more than 20
years in the field of mechanical engineering. For last five years, I have
been translating also in the field of Health, medicine, Law and legislation
and telecommunication. |
I'm a certified English<>Spanish (mother
tongue) and Portuguese<>Spanish translator (two University degrees,
specializing in Medical, Pharma. and Technical texts.
I love translating! I always do my best to deliver great translations on
time. Affordable prices! |
I am experienced technical translator and
localizer working with three languages English ( by default ),Russian (
native language )and Hebrew ( more than 13 years I live in Israel ).
Another languages to support: Uzbek, Georgian, Lithuanian, Latvian,
Esperanto |
Professional with five years living and
studying in the USA, which prepared myself to translate from English to
Portuguese and vice-versa. Technical communication course at Armstrong
Atlantic State University (AASU) and time spent in England were also
important for my preparation.
Work experience includes diverse work publicized in Brazilian magazines,
translation of manuals for Disney products and Portuguese lessons.
More information on my resume attached. |
I have over 10 years experience in text
translations both from English to Hebrew and vice versa. I also have 3 years
experience in translating film subtitles in same languages. |
Shortly Speaking I Hold A bachelor Degree In
Literature , faculty of Arts English Dep. Ain Shams University , and since
graduated i have been working as a translator in Tuba Trade Company in Cairo
and Before Graduation i worked as a freelance translator for many computer
center and Translation Agancies in Egypt |
I'm a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker
and I've been working with technical translation for 7 years. I hold a
bachelor degree in English Language and in December I will be concluding my
post-graduation studies in technical translation in a well-known university
in Brazil. I also have 2 certificates of proficiency in English,
from Cambridge and Michigan universities. Before working full-time as a
translator, I worked as a bilingual secretary for 13 years, in multinational
companies as Bosch, Compaq, Volvo, GE and Motorola. |
I have more than 20 years of experience in fast, accurate
translation from Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German into
English. My specialties are business, international development, human
rights, civil law, health and human services, housing, community financial
and legal education, and the arts. |
EDUCATION : "Dottore in Economia e Commercio" (Economics and
Finance); University of Florence, Italy. WORK EXPERIENCE :
15+ years, full-time free-lance translator from ENGLISH into ITALIAN
15+ (A.T.A. accredited, English into Italian
My native languages are Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian and
Bosnian and I’m
a gifted linguist with Master's degrees in English and Russian. I posses
strong professional background based on huge and diversified linguistic
education (Master's degree in Finance, Banking and Insurance as well) and
experience (6 years of full-time translating and interpreting experience in
many fields). |
INTERPRETING ACTIVITIES (consecutive and chuchotage): more
than 250 days for Hospitals, (oncology, haematology, gastroenterology,
cardiology, microbiology), Organizers of meetings and workshops in the
medical and pharmaceutical field, Pharmaceutical Companies, Mechanical
Companies, Museums, University Departments, Industrial associations, lawyers
and attorneys. |
Medicine – medical instrumentation, medical research,
informed consents, medical files,, medical and scientific abstracts, reports
and papers for medical and chemical reviews. Fields: oncology, haematology,
microbiology, virology, gastroenterology, cardiology, biomedical
technologies, bioengineering |
Pharmaceuticals and medical instrumentation – drug’s
leaflets, drug and chemical substance safety sheets, specifications, quality
certifications, user’s manuals for laboratory and electromedical equipment
and diagnostics, reports laboratory tests . |
Network News: Gulf operations - Interpretation and Translation Services
Interpreted ME President via satellite
for ABC News (live broadcast)
C-SPAN : Peace Accords - Interpretation and translation services
(audio-to-video/translations, voice-overs)
I am graduated in Tourism/Marketing (BA degree) from a
Portuguese university and my language combinations include English, French,
Spanish, Italian & Portuguese (European & Brazilian). |
I hold a BS in Public Administration (graduated from the
National School of Administration of Saigon) and a BA in French from the
Faculty of Letters of Saigon.
I currently work independently as Freelance Translator/Interpreter and
Consultant to assist foreigners coming to Vietnam for investment or tourism
purposes. |
Geneva, Switzerland.
B.A. : Biological Sciences UNIVERSITY
New York, N.Y., Philosophy. |
I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Bilingual Letters
obtained in June 1989 from the University of Yaounde and a graduate Diploma
in Translation obtained in June 1991 from the Advanced School of Translators
and Interpreters (ASTI) in the now University (formerly, University Centre)
of Buea, all in the Republic of Cameroon. |
July 8, 2004
| |