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Simple Water Purification Method in Emergency In this section we will have topics in “how to purify water for emergency use and how to protect yourself from water born diseases,” by Mihret Ayalew from St. Louis University School of Public Health. To reach Mihret Ayalew please click here When devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina occurs, the stacks are very high for waterborne diseases. The both the surface and ground water sources get contaminated very easily and quickly. Thus, precautions must be taken during such events not to drink any water from any sources. There are many methods in ‘how to purify contaminated water’ so as to make it safe for drinking: 1. Obtain three (3) water containers that have lids 2. Manage to get a disinfectant such as Clorox or chlorine 3. 10 times folded very fine cloth such as nylon fabric 4. Safe storage tank or pot with spigot or tap 5. Clean dispensing water jogs and cups 6. Keep in mind to practice sanitation all the time by washing hands before touching anything during the process of obtaining water to drink A brief procedure in assembling a simple point-of-use water purification system: 1. Position the first water tank, the sedimentation and flocculation tank, on a higher level, where its top at your eye level 2. The second water tank, the sand filtration tank, should be positioned where its top is around the midlevel of tank one 3. The third water tank, the purified water tank, ought to be positioned where its top is at the midlevel of the second tank 4. Make certain that the tap or spigot or the water dispensing valve has at least a foot clear off the ground level Begin the purification process by collecting and storing contaminated water in to tank one and then let it settle down for at least an hour before you let it transfer to tank two through connecting hose with a tap to control the water flow prematurely. The connection for the tap should be at least a foot higher from the tank bottom. In tank two, place gravel to fine sand from bottom to top (about half-foot below top of the tank) from course to fine in decreasing sing order. Place charged carbon or charcoal between the gravel and the course sand level. At last, place the 10 folded fine cloth on top of the finest sand layer just before adding the water from the settling tank. The outlet valve could be place near the bottom of the tank by just leaving one or two inches for potential sedimentation space. On the water hose or line between tanks two and three, you may not need a tap or a valve unless you want to have it for any possibilities. Once the purified water is collected in tank three, you can add disinfectant chemical like chorine or Clorox in order to kill the remaining microorganisms. Remember, safe drinkable water is only for consumption (drinking and food preparation) may be not for other purposes. You should assess your situation very carefully and wisely. Note: the fine cloth used for the filtration process can be removed and cleaned and then put it back in the tank if replacement is not available. More importantly, do not drink contaminated water unless it is tested for safe drinking. It may contain very toxic and deadly chemicals that can not be purified with simple system such as this and it may not be possible to tell the concentration of any toxic agent with out appropriate water testing. Different chemicals have different allowable concentration level in parts per million (PPM). A safe drinking level of a toxic agent can not be used for any other chemical agent. May God the Almighty keep you safe. Amen.
Survivor to Survivor. A chance to Payback. Sep 3rd, 2005
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