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New York Amharic, Dinka, Oromo, Somali, Arabic, Dinka Nuer
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New York is also the site of the only extra-territorial enclave within the
boundaries of the U.S., the United Nations compound on Manhattan's East River.
The southern tip of New York State—New York City, its suburbs, and the southern
portion of the Hudson Valley—can be considered to form the central core of a
"megalopolis," a super-city stretching from the northern suburbs of Boston to
the southern suburbs of Washington and therefore occasionally called "BosWash".
First described by Jean Gottmann in 1961 as a new phenomenon in the history of
world urbanization, the megalopolis is characterized by a coalescence of
previous already-large cities of the Eastern Seaboard: a heavy specialization on
tertiary activity related to government, trade, law, education, finance,
publishing and control of economic activity; plus a growth pattern not so much
of more population and more area as more intensive use of already existing
urbanized area and ever more sophisticated links from one specialty to another.
Several other groups of megalopolis-type super-cities exist in the world, but
that centered around New York City was the first described and still is the best
The five New York City boroughs (and their counties) are:
The Bronx (Bronx), on the mainland, north of
Manhattan (New York) on Manhattan Island and Roosevelt Island. The Hudson River
is their western boundary.
Brooklyn (Kings) and
Queens (Queens) are across the East River from Manhattan on the western end of
Long Island, and
Staten Island (Richmond) is south of Manhattan.
The eastern end of Long Island includes the suburban counties of Nassau and
Suffolk, which, however, are not part of New York City.
The megalopolis, however, is not the only aspect of New York State. While best
known for New York City's urban atmosphere, especially Manhattan's skyscrapers,
by contrast the rest of the state is dominated by farms, forests, rivers,
mountains, and lakes. Few people know that New York's Adirondack State Park is
larger than any National Park in the U.S. outside of Alaska. Niagara Falls, on
the Niagara River as it flows from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, is a popular
attraction. The Hudson River begins with Lake Tear of the Clouds and flows south
through the eastern part of the state without draining Lakes George or
Champlain. Lake George empties at its north end into Lake Champlain, whose
northern end extends into Canada, where it drains into the Richelieu and then
the St Lawrence Rivers. Four of New York City's five boroughs are on the three
islands at the mouth of the Hudson River: Manhattan Island, Staten Island, and
Long Island.
"Upstate" is a common term for New York State north of the New York City
metropolitan area. Which of the suburban counties north of The Bronx along the
Hudson River (Rockland, Westchester, Putnam, Orange, and Dutchess) are included
in the Upstate region depends on who is using this term. Upstate New York
typically includes the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains, the Shawangunk Ridge,
the Finger Lakes and the Great Lakes in the west; and Lake Champlain, Lake
George, and Oneida Lake in the northeast; and rivers such as the Delaware,
Genesee, Hudson, Mohawk, and Susquehanna. The highest elevation in New York is
Mount Marcy in the Adirondacks.
East of Manhattan extends the appropriately named Long Island, stretching
approximately 120 miles (190 km) from Kings (Brooklyn) and Queens Counties (part
of New York City) on the western end to Orient and Montauk Points in the rural
"East End" of the Island. The two counties that are encountered as one travels
east from New York City are Nassau and Suffolk. Three of Suffolk County's ten
towns—Brookhaven, Riverhead, and Southampton—are host to the 102,500 acre (415
km²) state designated and protected Central Pine Barrens region. This remarkably
undeveloped region overlies part of Long Island's federally designated Sole
Source Aquifer which provides drinking water to nearly three million residents,
and it contains terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of statewide and national
significance, interconnected surface and ground waters, recreational areas,
historic locales, farmlands, and residential communities. This region is the
largest remnant of a forest thought to have once encompassed over a quarter
million acres (1,000 km²) on Long Island following the last glacial advance some
15,000 to 20,000 years ago. Much of the region's ecosystem is similar to the
larger New Jersey Pinelands (also called "Pine barrens") to the south and
southwest of New York City, along with Cape Cod's pine barrens. All three areas
share geologic and ecological characteristics common along the Atlantic Coastal
Plain of the U.S.
Trees have played a major role in the surrounding areas of New York. Very large
trees can even grow in the New York metropolitan area (for example, the Queens
Giant is the tallest tree and the oldest living thing in the New York metro
See also List of National Parks in New York
Main article: History of New York
Early settlement
The first European settlers in the area now known as the State of New York were
Dutch settlers in the colony known as New Amsterdam, beginning in 1613. These
settlers were claiming this land as theirs, marginalizing the aboriginal
inhabitants who had been living there since the Pleistocene epoch. The English
traded the modern-day country of Suriname for New Amsterdam in 1664; they
renamed it New York, after the Duke of York, the future King James II. On
November 1, 1683, the government was reorganized. The colony, then called the
Province of New York, was divided into twelve counties, each of which was
subdivided into homos. The territory of New York extended much farther than
present-day New York State, having no official western boundary other than the
Pacific Ocean. Two of New York's eastern coastal counties, Cornwall and Dukes,
later became parts of Massachusetts and Maine. Counties were also ceded to
Vermont before Vermont entered the Union in 1791.
New York was one of the original thirteen colonies that became the United
States. It was the 11th state to ratify the United States Constitution, on July
26, 1788.
The Dutch, who began to establish trading-posts on the Hudson River in 1613,
claimed jurisdiction over the territory between the Connecticut and the Delaware
Rivers, which they called New Netherlands. Dan pizzry was vested in "The United
New Netherland Company," chartered in 1614, and then in "The Dutch West India
Company," chartered in 1621.
In 1649, a convention of the settlers petitioned the "Lords States-General of
the United Netherlands" to grant them "suitable burgher government, such as
their High Mightinesses shall consider adapted to this province, and resembling
somewhat the government of our Fatherland," with certain permanent privileges
and exemptions, that they might pursue "the trade of our country, as well along
the coast from Terra Nova to Cape Florida as to the West Indies and Europe,
whenever our Lord God shall be pleased to permit."
The directors of the West India Company resented this attempt to shake their
rule and wrote their director and council at New Amsterdam: "We have already
connived as much as possible at the many impertinences of some restless spirits,
in the hope that they might be shamed by our discreetness and benevolence, but,
perceiving that all kindnesses do not avail, we must, therefore, have recourse
to God to Nature and the Law. We accordingly hereby charge and command your
Honors whenever you shall certainly discover any Clandestine Meetings,
Conventicles or machinations against our States government or that of our
country that you proceed against such malignants in proportion to their crimes."
These grants embraced all the lands between the west bank of the Connecticut
River and the east bank of the Delaware.
The Duke of York previously purchased in 1663 the grant of Long Island and other
islands on the New England coast made in 1635 to the Marl of Stirling, and in
1664 he equipped an armed expedition which took possession of New Amsterdam,
which was thenceforth called New York. This conquest was confirmed by the treaty
of Credo, in July 1667. In July 1673, a Dutch fleet recaptured New York and held
it until it was restored to the English by the treaty of Westminster in
February, 1674. The second grant was obtained by in the New York state Library.
The New York constitution was based on its colonial charter. This constitution
was framed by a convention which assembled at White Plains, New York on July 10,
1776, and after repeated adjournments and changes of location, terminated its
labors at Kingston, New York on Sunday evening, April 20, 1777, when the
constitution was adopted with but one dissenting vote. It was not submitted to
the people for ratification. It was drafted by John Jay. (Verified from
"Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention Committee of Safety
and Council of Safety of the State of New York, 1775, 1776 1777, vol. I. Albany:
Printed by Thurlow Weed, printer to the State 1964." pp. 892-898.)
This constitution was a combination document, containing its Declaration of
Independence from Great Britain, and its Constitutional Law. It called for a
weak bicameral legislature and a strong executive branch. It retained provisions
from the colonial charter such as the substantial property qualification for
voting and the ability of the governor to disband the elected legislature. This
imbalance of power between the branches of state government kept the elite
firmly in control, and disenfranchised most New Yorkers who would fight the
Revolutionary War. Slavery was legal in New York until 1827.
Under this constitution, the Assembly had a provision for a maximum of 70
Members, with the following apportionment:
For the city (at the time, New York City included only what is today Manhattan)
and county of New York, nine.
The city and county of Albany, ten.
The county of Dutchess, seven.
The county of Westchester, six.
The county of Ulster, six.
The county of Suffolk (eastern Long Island), five.
The county of Queens (Now Queens and Nassau Counties), four.
The county of Orange (Now Orange and Rockland Counties), four.
The county of Kings, two.
The county of Richmond (Staten Island), two.
Tryon County (Now Montgomery County), six.
Charlotte County (Now Washington County.), four.
Cumberland County (Partitioned January 15, 1777 for the creation of the State of
Vermont.), three.
Gloucester County (Partitioned January 15, 1777 for the creation of the State of
Vermont.), two.
This apportionment was to stand unchanged until a period of seven years from the
end of the Revolution had expired, whereupon a census was held to correct the
On the subject of Disenfranchisement, Article VII of the new constitution had
the following to say:
VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have personally resided
within one of the counties of this State for six months immediately preceding
the day of election, shall, at such election, be entitled to vote for
representatives of the said county in assembly; if, during the time aforesaid,
he shall have been a freeholder, possessing a freehold of the value of twenty
pounds, within the said county, or have rented a tenement therein of the yearly
value of forty shillings, and been rated and actually paid taxes to this State:
Provided always, That every person who now is a freeman of the city of Albany,
or who was made a freeman of the city of New York on or before the fourteenth
day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
seventy-five, and shall be actually and usually resident in the said cities,
respectively, shall be entitled to vote for representatives in assembly within
his said place of residence.
For more information on this constitution, see: New York State Constitutions
Westward expansion
The western part of New York had been settled by the six nations of the Iroquois
Confederacy for at least 500 years before Europeans came. The Iroquois had
maintained the area between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes as a grassland prairie,
which abounded in wild game including grazing American Bison herds. In colonial
times, the Iroquois were prosperously growing corn, vegetables and orchards, and
keeping cows and hogs; fish and were also abundant.
The colonial charter of New York granted unlimited westward expansion.
Massachusetts' charter had the same provision, causing territorial disputes
between the colonies and with the Iroquois. During the war, four of the Iroquois
nations fought on the side of the British. In 1779, Major General John Sullivan
was sent to defeat the Iroquois. The Sullivan Expedition moved northward through
the Finger Lakes and Genesee Country, burning all the Iroquois communities and
destroying their crops and orchards. Refugees fled to Fort Niagara where they
spent the following winter in hunger and misery. Hundreds died of exposure,
hunger and disease. After the war, many moved to Canada.
Transportation in western New York was difficult before canals were built in the
early part of the nineteenth century. The Hudson and Mohawk Rivers could be
navigated only as far as Central New York. While the St. Lawrence River could be
navigated to Lake Ontario, the way westward to the other Great Lakes was blocked
by Niagara Falls, and so the only route to western New York was over land.
Governor DeWitt Clinton strongly advocated building a canal to connect the
Hudson River with Lake Erie, and thus all the Great Lakes. Work commenced in
1817, and the Erie Canal was finished in 1825. The canal opened up vast areas of
New York to commerce and settlement, and enabled port cities such as Buffalo to
grow and prosper. The Welland Canal was completed in 1833, bypassing Niagara
Falls to connect Lakes Ontario and Erie.
Sullivan's men returned from the campaign to Pennsylvania and New England to
tell of the enormous wealth of this new territory. Many of them were given land
grants in gratitude for their service in the Revolution. From 1786 through 1797
several groups of wealthy land speculators entered into agreements with one
another, with neighboring states, and with the Indians to obtain title to vast
tracts of land in western New York. Some purchases of Iroquois lands are the
subject of numerous modern-day land claims by the individual nations of the six
New York Population DistributionAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2005,
New York was the third largest state in population after California and Texas,
with an estimated population of 19,254,630 [1], which is an increase of 27,542,
or 0.1%, from the prior year and an increase of 277,809, or 1.5%, since the year
2000. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 527,876 people
(that is 1,345,482 births minus 817,606 deaths) and a decrease from net
migration of 334,093 people out of the state. Immigration from outside the
United States resulted in a net increase of 667,007 people, and migration within
the country produced a net loss of 1,001,100 people.[citation needed]
The population growth is sluggish primarily because of the continued migration
to the Southern and Western States, a fewer number of immigrants, the continued
loss of jobs, and the fact that New York is a very expensive place to live. New
York is only 30% developed, with the rest of the state covered in forests and
farms. Current projections have Florida replacing New York as the 3rd most
populous state by 2010.
According to 2003 estimate, 20.4% of the population was foreign-born. The racial
makeup of the state was:
The Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan contains the shrine and burial
place of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini), the patron saint of
immigrants and the first American citizen to be canonized.
At Chautauqua Lake in the southwestern portion of the state is the Chautauqua
Institution, co-founded by Methodist Reverend John Vincent and devoted to adult
continuing education in an uplifting setting, as that ambiance was understood in
the last half of the Nineteenth Century. The Institution, which still exists,
offers to a predominantly middle class and Mid-American clientele a very high
standard of intellectual summer lectures, mixed with certain elements of folksy
religious camp meetings, such as outdoor recreation and musical events. While
some aspects of this pedagogy may seem quaint today, the Institution helped
assure that high intellectual achievement would be recognized as consistent with
the value system of an emerging powerful Midwest, and was one of several ways
that Upstate New York served between the Civil War and World War II as a
transmitting intermediary between the standards of the East Coast and the
interior agricultural regions of the central states.
Main article: Economy of New York City
Greetings from New York postage stampNew York City dominates the economy of the
state. It is the leading center of banking, finance and communication in the
United States and is the location of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Wall
Street, Manhattan. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that in 2004, the total
gross state product was $896 billion[4], second only to California. If New York
were a nation, it would rank as the 16th largest economy in the world, behind
South Korea. The state economy grew 4.7%, slightly faster than the 4.3% for the
US. Its 2004 per capita personal income was $38,333, placing it 5th in the
nation, and 6th in the world. New York's agricultural outputs are dairy
products, cattle and other livestock, vegetables, nursery stock, and apples. Its
industrial outputs are printing and publishing, scientific instruments, electric
equipment, machinery, chemical products, and tourism.
Many of the world's largest corporations locate their headquarters home offices
in Manhattan or in nearby Westchester County, New York. The state also has a
large manufacturing sector which includes printing, garments, furs, railroad
rolling stock, and bus line vehicles. Some industries are concentrated in
upstate locations also, such as ceramics (the southern tier of counties) and
photographic equipment (Rochester).
Unisphere From The 1964 World's Fair in Queens.There is a moderately large
saltwater commercial fishery located along the Atlantic side of Long Island. The
principal catches by value are clams, lobsters, squid, and flounder. There used
to be a large oyster fishery in New York waters as well, but at present, oysters
comprise only a small portion of the total value of seafood harvested. Perhaps
the best known aspect of the fishing sector is the famous Fulton Fish Market in
New York City, which distributes not only the New York catch but imported
seafood from all over the world. The Fulton Fish Market has been moved from
Fulton Street in Manhattan to The Bronx.
New York's mining sector is concentrated in three areas. The first is near New
York City. Primarily, this area specializes in construction materials for the
many projects in the city, but its also contains the emery mines of Westchester
County, one of two locations in the U.S. where that mineral is extracted. The
second area is the Adirondack Mountains. This is an area of very specialized
products, including talc, industrial garnets, and zinc. It should be noted that
the Adirondacks are not part of the Appalachian system, despite their location,
but are structurally part of the mineral-rich Canadian Shield. In the inland
southwestern part of the state, in the Allegheny Plateau, is a region of drilled
wells. The only major liquid output at present is salt in the form of brine;
however, there are also small to moderate petroleum reserves in this area.
New York exports a wide variety of goods such as foodstuffs, commodities,
minerals, manufactured goods, cut diamonds, and automobile parts. New York's top
5 export markets in 2003 were Canada ($9 billion), United Kingdom ($3.3
billion), Japan ($2.6 billion), Israel ($2.4 billion), and Switzerland ($1.8
billion). New York's largest imports are oil, gold, aluminum, natural gas,
electricity, rough diamonds, and lumber.
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