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ለመሆኑ የቦ ምንድን ነው?What is Yebbo?
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Business Cards

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Whether your needs are for document translation, consecutive or simultaneous interpretation, portable interpretive equipment or tour related services for groups or individuals, Ethiotrans offers the highest quality language support for every major dialect in the world.
Amharic ,Arabic ,Armenian ,Azerbaijani ,Bosnian ,Bulgarian,Cambodian ,Celtic ,Cantonese ,Chinese ,Creole , Croatian,Czech ,Danish ,Dutch ,English ,Farsi ,Fijian ,French, Fulani ,Gaelic ,German ,Greek ,Hebrew , Hindi,Hmong ,Hungarian ,Ilocano ,Indonesian ,Iranian ,Italian,Japanese ,Korean ,Laotian ,Latvian ,Mandarin, Marshallessee ,Mong ,Norwegian ,Oromo ,Pangasinan ,Phillipino ,Polish ,Portuguese ,Punjabi ,Romanian ,Russian,Serbian , Slovak ,Somoan ,Somalian ,Spanish ,Swedish,Tagalog ,Taiwanese ,Thai ,Tonga ,Tygringa ,Turkish ,Ukranian
,Uzbeck ,Vietnamese ,Visayan
DOCUMENTS: Avionic, Engineering, Environmental, Financial, Government, Hospitality, Insurance, Legal, Marketing, Medical, Scholastic, Technical, etc.
Bank Records, Business & Personal Correspondence ,Catalogues, Pamphlets & Brochures Computer Manuals, Court Documentation ,Film Scripts ,Funeral Papers, Genealogical Searches ,Immigration & Naturalization, Insurance Forms , Legal Forms, Licenses ,Medical Journals ,Newsletters, Newspaper Articles ,Periodicals ,Rental Contracts, School Transcripts ,Web Sites ,Wills

CONSECUTIVE AND SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETERS FOR: Assemblies, Court Hearings, Conferences, Computer Expos,& Conferences, Conventions, Customs, Depositions, Engineering Conferences, Environmental Seminars& Meetings, Expositions, Financial Conferences, Government, Hospitality, Immigration, Lectures, Legal and Medical Appointments, Medical Expos & Conferences ,News Broadcasts ,Press Releases, Seminars, Sporting Events, Technical Expos & Conferences, Tourist Clientele and Trade Show


Consecutive interpreting is the practice of pausing after every two or three sentences to allow time for the interpreter to relay the speaker's remarks into the other language. The interpreter becomes an integral member of the conference since he or she is in close contact with the meeting participants. Consecutive interpreting is commonly used for tours, informal meetings, trade shows, business negotiations, receptions, etc. (semi-small and intimate events).
The advantages of Consecutive interpreting is that it is more cost-effective: less equipment and technical engineers are required. It allows participants to absorb ideas and listen to the event in both languages if they desire. Ideal for small groups when only one language requires interpretation or for meetings held in multiple locations.


Simultaneous interpretation is the practice of interpreting a speaker's voice at the same time that he or she is speaking. This type of interpretation requires specialized equipment and technical engineers for installation and monitoring. Delegates listen to the language of their choice via headsets connected to multi-channel receivers. Teams of highly trained multilingual interpreters work in soundproof booths. Simultaneous interpretation is most commonly used for large conferences or multilingual events (UN style).
The advantages of Simultaneous interpreting is that speech flow is uninterrupted, retaining the effectiveness and flow of the speaker's presentation. It is an essential need when multiple languages will be spoken at the same time.

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Copyright ©1999 -2006 Ethiopic Translation and Localization Services 
The #1 African languages translation Company in the world, we focus on what we know the best, i.e. the African Language                   For more information, please call at ( 619) 255 5530
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