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Medal Count









Sep 30, 2000



Soreti Tuesday, 10/3/00, 9:28 AM Haile, Congradulations!!! inkuan dess aleh, and thanx a lot for making us proud. I will never forget the expression on your face when you were running towards the finishing line. I am proud of you, as all proud Ethiopians should be. with lots of love admiration and respect. Soreti. From: Ethiopian but now living in the U.S. Web Site: I am working on it


Michael Kumela Tuesday, 10/3/00, 8:31 AM Greeting from Boston!!! Congratulation to the eight talented Ethiopian Runners!! I have never been more proud to be an Ethiopian before. You guys are the greatest!!! You made all Ethiopians around the world so proud. You are the shining stars for our future generation. I hope to see you all for years and years to come. Again, Congratulations from proud Ethiopian in Boston, MA USA Michael Kumela From: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail:


Anchinesh Hagere Tuesday, 10/3/00, 8:29 AM Congratulations to all of you!!! Once again you have proved the greatness of our country. I wish it would be the same in areas other than sport. Maybe your group effort and eventual success will be a good example to all of us Ethiopians. From: USA


Manaye Ewunetu Tuesday, 10/3/00, 4:40 AM Congratulations!!! You all are my heroes. I am very proud of you and very proud to be an Ethiopian. When we saw you raising our flag, we forgot all a our differences. You make us united under one flag and one name, ETHIOPIA. God bless you all. Haile, I promise you that all Ethiopians in United Kingdom are waiting to support you when you run the Great Northen run here in UK this October. From: United Kingdom, London E-mail:


Manaye Ewunetu Tuesday, 10/3/00, 4:23 AM Congratulations!!! You all are my heroes. I am very proud of you and very proud be to an Ethiopian. When we saw you raising our flag, we forgot all a our differences. You make us united under one flag and one name, ETHIOPIA. God bless you all Manaye Ewunetu From: United Kingdom E-mail:


Mrs. Almaz Kebede Tuesday, 10/3/00, 4:22 AM My self and entire staff of Ethiopian Shipping Lines Share Company humbly congradulate you on your success. Pls. accept our heartiest congradulations. From: Ethiopian Shipping Lines Share Company E-mail:


Girum Tesfaye Tuesday, 10/3/00, 3:10 AM Dagm Tewoledin! Hailye, Derartuye, Milionye,Gezahgneye,Getye, Asefaye,Tesfayye..ethiopiayaye bemulu yeethiopia athletoch. Egziabher engan Endasdestachihun anantenm Yasdestilen yemitteykutin yestilen.enena balebete bedesta enba tatibenal.gudengoche bemulu yedesta ebdet abdewal.ethiopia endenant yale 20 binorat min enhon neber? Yesew lig yasibal egziabher yefesimal. enkuan egziabher yehasabachihun fesemelachihu. Dear Hailye, my brother! I am living in Mozambqiue with my family. I work for the United Nations Development programme. I would love to send some sport materials to young Ethiopians who are trying their best in Addis. please advise me how I should do it. From: Ethiopia Web Site: N/A E-mail:






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