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Sep 30, 2000



AWM Wednesday, 9/27/00, 12:43 PM Haile!! faster than Chita!.. We are proud on you

Wednesday, 9/27/00, 12:42 PM


Wednesday, 9/27/00, 11:35 AM Good Job Hailae! Congra!


Wednesday, 9/27/00, 11:34 AM Dood Job Hailae! Congra!


Fasil S. G. Tuesday, 9/26/00, 10:56 PM Hello Brothers and sisters: I congratulate all of us. Haile did it again in Sydney. Our flag was raised when Haile received his gold medal. Our national anthem played in front of thousand of people. I can't tell you how I felt at the time. I felt like I was there spiritually to share the moment as proud Ethiopian in Sydney although I was physically in Los Angeles staring on the television screen. It was only the reflection of Haile's image transmitted from Sydney to the rest of the world. However, it just felt as real as it was at that moment for me. It had reality touch for me. Best regards, Fasil S. G. From: Los Angeles, California E-mail:


Fasil S. G. Tuesday, 9/26/00, 10:50 PM This what I shared with my discussion group righ after I watched Haile close win 10,000 Hello Brothers and sisters: I congratulate all of us. Haile did it again in Sydney. Our flag was raised when Haile received his gold medal. Our national anthem played in front of thousand of people. I can't tell you how I felt at the time. I felt like I was there spiritually to share the moment as proud Ethiopian in Sydney although I was physically in Los Angeles staring on the television screen. It was only the reflection of Haile's image transmitted from Sydney to the rest of the world. However, it just never felt as real as it was at that moment for me. It had reality touch for me. Best regards, Fasil S. G.

From: Los Angeles, California

Marrit Tuesday, 9/26/00, 7:49 PM Selam Haile Along with all my fellow Ethiopian brothers and sisters here in California,that you have made us pround once more. THANK YOU!!! My eyes were filled with tears as I saw you hold our flag and run in the stadium with yet our other two magnificent runners. It made me so proud!!! Love you all Marrit PS. Please keep up the good work because you are a great role model for our young brothers and sisters. I really admire you and your all works too (Endurance). My thank you's can not be overstated.

Thanks again Much love

From: Ethiopia / Living in California E-mail: ~

S. Mekuria Tuesday, 9/26/00, 6:03 PM Great win for a great land. Thank you Haile. From: Ethiopia Web ~

Haeran Fisseha Tuesday, 9/26/00, 2:51 PM Selam Haile : I wanted you to know how proud you make us Ethiopians feel at a time when we have little left to be proud of. Thank you for being such a wonderful person in addition to being a great athlete. Bettam takoranaleh Haile !





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