Medal Count |
Gold |
4 |
Sliver |
1 |
Bronze |
3 |
Total |
8 |
Sep 30, 2000 |
The Top Runners of the 20th Century: Men#9, Abebe Bikila, Ethiopia, Marathon
http://www.coolrunning.com/20century/20th09m.shtml |
Abebe Bikila 1960 Olympics, Rome, Italy; 1964 Olympics, Tokyo, Japan The first of the great East African runners, Ethiopian athlete Abebe Bikila accomplished something no runner ever had: He won the gold medal in two Olympic marathons. In the first celebrated
race, Bikila ran barefoot over the cobblestones of the Appian Way in Rome, Italy, to break Czechoslovakian runner Emil Zátopek's 1952 marathon record by nearly eight minutes. At the 1964 Tokyo Games, still
recovering from an appendix operation, Bikila wore shoes and beat his own 1960 record by more than four minutes. Five years later Bikila was in a tragic car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist
down for the remainder of his life. Bikila continued to be a national hero in Ethiopia, where many people made pilgrimages to visit him before his death in 1973. He is remembered not only as a great athlete,
but also as an Olympic idealist, an athlete who remained dedicated to the Olympic traditions of amateurism and political neutrality. http://members.tripod.com/Abyssinia/Ethiopia/Abebe_B.htm
Abebe Bikila (1932-1973)Abebe was born in 1932 in a town called Jato about 130 kms
away from Addis Ababa, in the district of NeA Denba near Debre Birhan. His parents were W/o Widnesh Menberu and Ato Bikila Demssie. According to the tradition of his enviorns, he spent most of his childhood
as a shepherd and a student. At the age of 12, he completed the traditional, "Qes" schooling. At this age, Abebe had already distinguished himself as an exceptional "Gena" player. In
1952, young Abebe was hired by the Imperial Body Guard. At the Imperial Guard, he participated in both athletics and "Gena" game. In 1954, he married W/t Yewibdar W/Giorghis with whom he fathered
four children. http://www.ethiopians.com/abebe_bikila.htm |
č nato nel 1932 in una cittŕ chiamata Jato a 130 km da Addis Abeba, nel distretto di Nea Denba Debre Birhan. I suoi genitori erano Widnesh Menberu ed Ato Bikila Demssie. Secondo la tradizione del suo popolo, passň la maggior parte della sua infanzia come pastore. All'etŕ del 12° anno completa il tradizionale, "Qes" l'equivalente della nostra scuola. A questa etŕ Abebe Bikila si era giŕ distinto come un insolito "Gena" giocatore. Nel 1952, il giovane Abebe Bikila č stato arruolato dal Corpo Imperiale. Nel 1954, ha sposato Yewibdar Giorghis con il quale ha avuto quattro bambini. Abebe Bikila passň una gran quantitŕ di anni con la Guardia Imperiale prima che riuscisse ha distinguersi come un atleta eccellente. La sua grande occasione viene quando, guardando una parata di atleti etiopici che avevano partecipato allora nel Melbourne Olympics, scatta una molla nel suo animo e capisce che vuole anche lui rappresentare la sua amata nazione l'Etiopia. Nel 1956, all'etŕ di 24 anni, Abebe Bikila partecipa ai campionati delle forze nazionali armate. L'eroe del tempo era Wami Biratu che aveva vinto i 5.000 e 10.000 Metri. Durante la maratona, la folla allo stadio aspettava di vedere Wami Biratu arrivare come un vincitore. Negli ultimi chilometri infatti Wami conduceva ancora la gara, ma ad un certo punto l'annunciatore radiofonico con voce concitata informava la folla che un atleta giovane e ignoto dal nome di Abebe Bikila
http://www.olimpiadi.it/campioni/Abebe%20Bikila/ |
Atletismo: Abebe Bikila Com suas duas medalhas de ouro nos Jogos Olímpicos, o etíope Abebe
Bikila é considerado o maior maratonista de todos os tempos. Abebe Bikila năo pôde ganhar a sua terceira medalha de ouro na maratona olímpica do México 68, mas colaborou muito para que um compatriota seu
mantivesse o domínio Etíope na história da prova. Poucos sabiam que o bicampeăo olímpico tentou sua terceira medalha de ouro com uma fissura na perna direita, que se complicou com problemas de rigidez e
circulaçăo. Sem dúvida, os aspirantes ŕ medalha de ouro o tinham como favorito quando um astuto Mamo Wolde, começou a tomar a frente. http://www.zaz.com.br/esportes/atletas/bikila.htm |
Great Olympians 16: Abebe Bikila At the 1960 Rome Olympics, a barefooted African
athlete whose name nobody knew astounded the world by winning the marathon and that too in a record time of 2 hours and 15 minutes. With that, Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia became the first black African to win a
track-and-field gold medal. He was a member of the palace bodyguard of Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie. In 1964, at Tokyo, Bikila, this time wearing shoes, won the gold again, with a margin of more than
four minutes. He relaxed a little before the others entered the stadium, lying on his back in the infield and bicycling his legs! He even did a smiling lap of honour. Few among the spectators knew that he'd
had an appendix operation just five weeks earlier. http://www.the-hindu.com/2000/08/30/stories/0730075b.htm |
Welcome to Abebe Bikila Reading Room
Collection of electronic documents Bibliography of Books, Periodical articles and Audio Visual Materials To see the full record of the book/s desired or to find out how you can have access to
the items, search by Title or Author via WORLDCAT; one of world's largest bibliographic database. Note: when searching by title, select "Title" or in case of author search select "Author"
field from the scrolling menu box beside the dialog box.http://www.glue.umd.edu/~ga35/wcspoet.html |
1960 Olimpiadi di Roma. Un uomo scalzo taglia per primo il traguardo sotto l'Arco di Costantino
e vince tra un tripudio di folla. E' un vero trionfo, vince con il tempo di 2h15'16" stabilendo cosě la miglior prestazione mondiale (prec. 2h15'17"del russo Sergey Popov). Si tratta del 28enne
etiope Abebe Bikila. La fama di quest'atleta raggiunge l'apice quattro anni dopo durante l'edizione dei giochi di Tokyo 1964. Questa volta, perň, vince con le scarpe con l'icredibile tempo di 2h12'11"
(nuova miglior prestazione al mondo) dopo che sei settimane prima era stato operato di appendicite. Nessuno prima di lui era riuscito ad aggiudicarsi due maratone olimpiche consecutive: solo il tedesco
Waldemar Cierpinski riuscirŕ ad eguagliarlo vincendo a Montreal 1976 e a Mosca 1980. Bikila corse 26 maratone vincendo anche due Campionati del Mondo (1960 - 1962).
http://digilander.iol.it/buttarellicesole/lastoria.htm |
New York City Marathon Notebook Mota honored with Abebe Bikila Award
Posted: Thursday October 29, 1998 06:39 PM
Mota was ranked No. 1 in the world from 1987-1991
Tony Duffy/Allsport |
NEW YORK, New York (AP) -- Portugal's Rosa Mota, the women's 1988 Olympic marathon gold medalist and the sixth-fastest
marathoner in history, will receive the Abebe Bikila Award Saturday. The award is presented by the New York Road Runners Club, organizers of Sunday's New York City Marathon, for outstanding
contributions to the sport of distance running. Mota ran her fastest marathon at Chicago in 1985, with a time of 2 hours, 23 minutes, 29 seconds, finishing behind Joan Benoit
http://robots.cnnsi.com/athletics/1998/nymarathon/news/1998/10/2 9/nycm_marathon/ |
Abebe Bikila Narodil se roku 1932 v mĄestĄe Jato v Etiopii. Ve svých 24 letechvytvoĄril národní rekordy na 5000 a 10000m.
NejvĄetší úspĄechy získal ale na svých olympijských maratonech. Poprvé v roce 1960 v ĄRímĄe, kde vytvoĄril nový svĄetový rekord 2:16:2. O 4 roky pozdĄeji na olympiádĄe v Tokiu, 6 týdnĄu po operaci
slepého stĄreva opĄet zvítĄezil. Od 20km uĄ byl sám a kaĄdý kilometr bĄeĄel pĄresnĄe za 3min a 8 vteĄrin a nastavil opĄet nový svĄetový rekord 2:12:11. Abebe se sice tvrdĄe pĄripravoval
na maraton v Mexiko city, ale jeho zdravotní stav nebyl pĄríliš dobrý a tak nenastoupil. http://olympia.fortunecity.com/howe/72/abebe.html |
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