November 2000

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Sep 30, 2000



Disclaimer: COURTESY OF ETHIOPIAN EMBASSY. All the news are not  our property we are not neither edited nor reviewed these news. We post them as we received  the e-mail from the Ethiopian Embassy . This is part of our program called Sharing Information. The content of this page does not reflect Yebbo Communication Network view. If you have any question about this section please send us an e-mail at


November 2000 updates daily


Ethiopian manuscripts registered as world's documentary heritages

Addis Ababa, November 30--- The National Archieves and Library office announced that twelve ancient Ethiopian manuscript have been registered as the World's Documentary Heritages by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The National Library Department Coordinator with the office Akalu Wold-Mariam told WIC today that all the ancient documents comprising five books, seven letters and microfilms that Ethiopia sent to UNESCO, for consideration have been certified as the World's Documentary Heritages with the issuance of a Diploma.

Among the documents that won UNESCO's approval are manuscripts written between 15th and 17th century including Book of Eunock, Prayer Book, Book of kings as well as letters sent to Queen Victoria of England by Emperor Tewodros II and king Sahle Sellasie of Shoa.

With the recognition of these ancient manuscripts by UNESCO Ethiopia becomes the 43rd country in the world and the 7th in Africa to own documents registered by UNESCO as world heritage.


Patriarch Leaves for USA

Addis Ababa, November 30 — A religious delegation headed by Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Abuna Paulos, left here yesterday for Washington D.C., USA to attend a meeting on HIV/AIDS.

The five-day summit would deliberate, among others, on the role of religious institutions in the global efforts geared to arrest the effects of the pestilence, Office of the Patriarchate said.

It said the summit to be held at the White House would also seek ways to form a joint forum among religious institutions in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Archbishops, bishops and officials of the church saw off the patriarch upon departure at the Bole International Airport.

Ethiopia, India enjoy active bilateral cooperation

Addis Ababa, Nov. 29 --There exists an active bilateral cooperation between Ethiopia and India in wide varieties of fields, an Indian Embassy statement said here on Tuesday. The embassy made the observation as it celebrates the 36th anniversary of Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) program.

Several ITEC programs were initiated in Ethiopia, the statement said, adding the focus of these programs was on providing consultancy services and building infrastructure facilities to promote small-scale industries in Ethiopia.

Under the ITEC programs, more than 20 training slots were offered every year to the Ethiopian students and experts in wide variety of fields, the statement said.

The ITEC program was launched in 1964 by the government of India as an expression of India's desire to share the fruits of its socio-economic, scientific and technological development, the statement said.



People to People
AIDS Walk 2000
Washington DC
To Benefit Ethiopian Orphaned Children

I urge all of you to attend this important event. As a community we have to mobilize and raise awareness to remove the vial of ignorance that exists about AIDS/HIV in Ethiopia and abroad. The AIDS epidemic has reached a level that the future of our country, our families and our people is being jeopardized. Please take time to walk for those who have died, for those dieing and for the young children who have lost their parents. Your effort can be the candle in the dark. Give hope.

Meeting location:

Dukem Restaurant
1114 U st.
Washington DC

December 2, 2000


Refreshments will be served prior to the walk, please arrive on time.

If you need further information contact Aida Muluneh or Helen Mesfin



Population Will Reach 129 Million in 2030

According to the 1994 National Population and Housing census, the projected population of Ethiopia will reach 129,059,000 m in 2030, from the current 63,495,000 in 2000.

Ato Yehualashet Mekonnen, a researcher at the Central Statistics Authority, CSA, pointed out that the figures are from the projection (medium variant) based on the 1994 census. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the total number of children a woman would have at the end of her reproductive period if she is exposed to the prevailing age specific fertility pattern. The present rate is 5.9 children per woman.

The fertility rate is assumed to decrease if the National Population Policy targets are achieved. The policy focuses on the expansion of family planning through information, communication, education (IEC) campaigns and community- based services.

The government plans to achieve contraceptive prevalence rate of 44% in the year 2015 but according to the preliminary report, the current contraceptive prevalence rate is only 8%, Ato Yehualashet said. It is believed that increasing the school enrollment, particularly for rural girls will delay the age at first marriage and this in turn will have an effect on decreasing fertility in the rural population which constitutes the majority.

"Ethiopia is one of the young age population countries in Africa where nearly two third of the population is under 25," he said.


Sheraton Addis Makes Donation

ADDIS ABABA, Tuesday (ENA) - The Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) said today it had received over 202,000 birr donated by the Sheraton Addis in support of drought-affected citizens. The commission added that the money was collected in the form of entrance fee at last year's grand musical show organized by the hotel at the Addis Ababa Stadium.

* * *

Woreda, Kebele Elections Due Shortly

ADDIS ABABA, Tuesday - Preparations are being made for the up-coming multi-party elections of the woreda and kebele councils, the National Electoral Board (NEB) said today. Election expert with NEB, Aklilu Mekuria, said that woreda elections officials in the Tigray, Afar, Amhara and Oromia states would begin dispatching election materials to kebeles as of tomorrow. The candidates' registration would take place at kebele election offices beginning December 10 through January 8, he said, adding that all the necessary election materials had already been sent to the afore-mentioned states.

He said woreda election offices in the Addis Ababa City Administration would also remain open as of tomorrow. Election materials essential for voters' registration, which would take place between January 9 and February 7, were also being prepared, he said. Elections for membership in the woreda and kebele councils are scheduled for February 25 and March 4 respectively.



Trade profit, salary income tax cut to 40 percent

Addis Ababa, Nov.28 (ENA)--The 89 percent tax imposed on trade profit and salary income has been slashed to 40 percent, officials of the Inland Revenue Authority and Ministry of Finance said.

At a joint press conference they gave here on Monday the officials said the 10 percent surtax collected from import goods has been totally nullified. The 12 percent sales tax imposed on import items as well as locally produced goods and services has been increased to 15 percent, the officials said.

They said food items and construction works as well as education, health, finance, water and electric light services have been exempted from the sales tax rise.According to the officials, a task force charged with conducting a study thought to be instrumental in improving the country's tax system and administration has already been established. The study on giving code numbers to taxpayers has been finalized and would be implemented soon, the officials said. They said a five percent tax has also been imposed on savings interest.



Ethio-American Trade and Investment Council Invites Ethiopian Businessmen to the USA

The Ethio-American Trade and Investment Council (EATIC) announced Thursday that it was inviting Ethiopian businessmen to visit the United States from 13-27, January, 2001 in order to seek American trade and investment partners.

Gezahegn Kebede, President of EATIC told Addis Tribune that the "participants of the Ethiopian mission will make presentations on trade and investments policies, incentives and competitive advantages by showcasing their products, services and business opportunities while networking and building valuable contacts with potential American counterparts." Kassahun Ayele, Minister of Trade and Industry will lead the Ethiopian business mission.

It will be recalled that in November 1999 a trade and investment mission from the United States visited Ethiopia.

The Ethio-American Trade and Investment Council is an organization consisting of Ethiopians holding American citizenship engaged in various business activities in the USA.


Moscow Eyes at Bolstering Ties with Africa

ADDIS ABABA, Monday (ENA) - The Russian Federation was looking towards further consolidating its relations with African countries, a Russian foreign policy expert said. Professor Vladmir Gennadyevich Shublin said Russia had attached due significance to African issues raised in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The expert was giving a lecture here today under the theme "Africa on the Edge of a New Millennium, a View from Moscow". Shublin recalled Moscow's role in easing the UN embargo imposed on Ethiopia and Eritrea while the two East African countries were at war.

He said Russia supported African union if it gave priority to the pressing issues of civil wars and transboundary conflicts in the continent. Africa should shore up its information networking system to achieve the desired socio-economic development, the expert said.


African-American Visitors Pledge to Introduce Ethiopia's Tourist Attractions

Addis Ababa, Nov. 27 Fifteen Afro-Americans, who visited historical sites in Northern Ethiopia, expressed their readiness to introduce Ethiopia's tourist attractions to the U.S public.

The African-Americans told journalists here on Saturday that during their weeklong visit to Ethiopia they had learnt that the country is rich in natural resources and tourist attractions.

The African-American communities in the U.S were ready to visit Ethiopia, which they believe is the cradle of mankind and civilization, the tourists said.

The tourists said they were particularly stunned by the hospitality of Ethiopians and the superb architectural beauty of the country's ancient churches and monasteries.

The Afro-American tourist group, which comprised scholars and religious leaders, toured the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela and the Axum obelisk, among others.


Office Undertakes Nearly 64 Million Birr Development Projects

Addis Ababa, Nov. 23(ENA)--The metropolitan environmental development project office says it has carried out various development activities in the capital at a cost of about 64 million Birr over the past five years.

Office General Manager, Kinde Bezuneh, told ENA on Thursday that the activities included, among others, the construction of a 342 -km gravel road, 304 km drainage, 51 culverts and 745 public toilets.

The office had also installed 449 public fountains that are serving about 250,000 people in the metropolis, Kinde said.

The office has created employment for nearly 37,000 people, he said, adding 61 percent of the beneficiaries were women.

Kinde said 11,000 quintals of wheat and 55,000 kg of cooking oil obtained from the World Food Program had been apportioned among the food-for-work program participants.


Dublin Entrepreneur Pledges 100 Million USD to Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA, Tuesday (ENA) - Dublin-born technology entrepreneur, Philip Berber, has pledged 100 million USD for a new charity, which will strive to combat poverty, disease and homelessness in Ethiopia. According to the Irish Times today's edition, Berber, chairman of the U.S. technology firm, Cybercorp, said the purpose of the donation was to create a financially sustainable and long-term business model for charitable foundations in Ethiopia.

The investment would cover all the operation costs of the charity so that 100 percent of all further donations would go directly to the beneficiaries, Berber said. Both Berber and his wife, Donna, met the president and prime minister of Ethiopia on a recent visit to the country, the newspaper said. "We have followed our hearts to Ethiopia and I feel there has been a sense of divine guidance," the entrepreneur said.


NGOs Engage in Construction of Social Service Facilities

DIRE-DAWA, Sunday - Three humanitarian organisations operating in the Dire-Dawa administrative council have been carrying out various social services facilities worth over 2.4 million birr, this Ethiopian budget year.

Disaser Prevention, Llabour and Social Affairs Office Head with the Council, Alemayehu Seyoum, told ENA recently that the organisations were engaged, among others, in the construction of health and educational institutions, offering informal education, family planning, capacity building and facilitating ways for family unification.

The organisations had undertaken similar activities in the administrative council at a cost of over 2.5 million birr last year, which he said had served about 100,000 people in the areas.


International Red Cross repatriates 172 Eritreans

November 21, 2000:

A group of 172 Eritreans has been repatriated from Ethiopia to Eritrea, the International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement obtained Sunday, five months after a ceasefire in a border war. The "172 persons of Eritrean origin", who had lived in Addis Ababa and went across the border at their own request, left the Ethiopian capital on Tuesday in a convoy of five buses escorted by police, the ICRC statement said.

They arrived at the frontier via the northern Ethiopian town of Rama and the crossing point on the Mereb river, which forms a natural boundary between the two countries, which went to war over disputed border territory for two years. ICRC delegates in Ethiopia helped the group to cross the river, then they were taken in charge by their international Red Cross counterparts based in the Eritrean capital Asmara, the communique added. The ICRC stated that it had acted as an "independent intermediary", after a request for assistance from those who wanted to go home, "in order to liaise with the relevant Ethiopian authorities to organise their departure and transport to Eritrea."


Ethiopia Expects More Tourists in Coming Year

Ethiopia, with 3,000 years of history and many unique scenic spots, is expecting a bigger flow of tourists in the country after a two-year border conflict with Eritrea, the Capital weekly reported Sunday. As the Ethio-Eritrean conflict is over, about 120,000 tourists are expected to visit Ethiopia this year, Public Relations officer Mekonen Shiferaw of The Ethiopian Tourism Commission (ETC) was quoted as saying. Mekonen said that the total number of visitors in Ethiopia reduced to 90,000 in the year 1999/2000 from 120,000 before the Ethio-Eritrean border conflict broke out in May 1998.

In addition to the conclusion of war at the northern border, Mekonen said the various promotional activities that have been carried out lately by the Ethiopian government, such as the participation in the Hanover Expo 2000, Germany, are likely to have a major impact in attracting tourists to the country. Thanks to the government's efforts in the past 10 years, infrastructure in Ethiopia has been improved with the construction of roads, airports, water facilities and electricity supply being completed. The number of foreign tourists coming to Ethiopia increased from 73,000 in 1991 to 120,000 by early 1998, and most of the tourists to the country were from Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Britain and the United States, according to Mekonen.


700 million Birr dam projects undertaken in metropolis

Addis Ababa, November 17 -- Various dam projects had been undertaken in the capital at a cost of about 700 million Birr over the past five years, the metropolitan water and sewerage authority said. Audit service head with the authority, Sied Yimer, told ENA recently that the dam projects have helped meet 70 percent of the metropolitans demand for clean water. The Dire Dam, which has the capacity to hold 19 million cubic meters of water, is one of the projects carried out in the stated period. Sied noted the metropolitan administration had sunk 13 water-wells and developed eight springs on the outskirts of the capital during the reported period.

The water projects have the capacity to produce 10,000 cubic meters of water per day, according to the head. He said 85 percent of the metropolitans would get access to potable water when the 'Akaki' emergency under water development project goes operational late this Ethiopian year. The first phase of the 'Akaki' project included the sinking of 11 water-wells with the capacity to produce 72,000 cubic meters of water daily, the head said.



Minister Predicts Ethiopia's GDP to grow by 10 per cent this year

ADDIS ABABA , November 19 Ethiopia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to grow by 10 per cent this year, the Federal Minister of Finance said. The projection was made taking into account the bumper harvest anticipated this year, the minister said.

Speaking of the budget in 2000/2001 fiscal budget year, Sufaian said the lion's share of the budget has been earmarked for development efforts. The budget for defence has been drastically slashed for Ethiopia has successfully reversed Eirtrea's unprovoked aggression, the minister said. He said the subsidy given for national states and the budget set aside for social services has been significantly increased. The minister said about 5.9 billion birr loan and aid is expected to be released by international donors and creditors this year. An agreement has been reached with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other creditors to release the fund soon, he indicated. According to Sufian, a 4.2 billion birr long-term loan would be released by the debtors. He said the aid anticipated to be secured from donors amounted to over 1.7 billion. This year, the government would borrow only 218 million birr from local institutions, Sufian said. He further said about 9.3 billion birr of the over 15.6 billion birr budget allocated to the current fiscal year would be obtained from various local revenues.

Projects launched In Bale Zone With Over 17 Million birr

Goba, November 20 (WIC)—The Branch Office of the Ethiopian social Rehabilitation and Development Fund (ESRDF) announced that it has this Ethiopian year launched a number of new projects in Bale Zone with an outlay of 17.3 million birr. According to Habitamu Daddy, Head of the Zonal Planning and Economic Development Department, some thirty projects were being undertaken in thirty rural kebeles of the zone where there are a limited number of development institutions. Habitamu said that the projects being undertaken were the construction of seven elementary schools, four veterinary clinics, one health station, three health posts and the sinking of fifteen water wells. Upon commissioning, the projects would benefit over three thousand residents of the zone.

Similarly, various projects were being carried out in Yem special woreda, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State, at a cost of 3.6 million birr, the Woreda Office Head said. Wondimu Tadesse, the Woreda Office Head, said that the projects being executed in twenty-six kebeles of the woreda were the sinking of 17 water wells, developing four springs, the construction of a clinic, an elementary school, and a 27 km rural road. Wondimu further said that the projects were funded by the ESRDF, African Development Organization and World Development Organization. According to the Office head, the projects, upon commissioning, will benefit more than 180,000 people. Eighteen projects undertaken last year with an outlay of over 2.1 million birr have made 122,000 people beneficiaries, Wondimu said.

Kofi Annan to Visit Ethiopia, Eritrea

Addis Ababa, November 18 - The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan will visit Ethiopia and Eritrea as part of his tour that will also take him next month to four other African Nations and two peace keeping missions, the BBC reported. Annan's visit commences in Sierra Leone, where the largest UN Peace Keeping force is based. During his four days visit to Ethiopia and Eritrea, beginning December four, the Secretary General will visit members of the UN military observer force monitoring the cease-fire. Annan's tour will end in Sicily, where he will attend the signing ceremony of for the new UN treaty on combating transnational crime.

Civil Aviation, ABB-MEDROC Sign Over 48.6 mln. birr Installation Agreement

Addis Ababa, November 18 - The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority and the ABB-MEDROC, a Finland based industrial project firm have signed here on Thursday an over 48.6 million birr agreement on the installation of the Bole International Airport expansion projects. According to the agreement, the firm would supply and install the various implements vital for the project's terminal. Speaking at the signing ceremony held at Sheraton Addis, Director General of the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, Meshesha Belayneh, called on the contracting firm to deliver quality service and live up to its expectations. The installation activity was scheduled to be completed until August 2001. The fund for the installation of the project was secured in loans from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). Meshesha Belayneh and ABB-MEDROC installation senior programme manager, Tapani Kuikka signed the agreement.

885 Intending to go Abroad Test HIV Positive

Addis Ababa, November 18 - The Health Care, Diagnosis and Laboratory services disclosed that of the 11,742 people who underwent the HIV/AIDS screening required of them to go abroad last Ethiopian year 885 tested HIV positive. Service Deputy Head Dr. Mekonen Gebre-Selassie told the weekly Addis Lisan that those who tested HIV positive were intending to go abroad on scholarships, work or pilgrimage. He said 1,458 have tested HIV positive out of the 16,098 who had serological check up for a similar purpose in the previous year. Similarly, the Zewditu Hospital said that out of the 102 people who had blood test at the hospital last year, 79 have tested HIV positive.


Entrepreneur to Launch Mineral Water Bottling Factory in Southern Ethiopia

Awassa, November 14 (WIC)-- An entrepreneur is reported to have finalized preparations to invest in mineral water bottling business in the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples State (SNNPS) with an outlay of 17.2 million birr. According to Ato Wondwossen Awlachew, Head of the State's Investment Office, the entrepreneur's request for licence to exploit the mineral water resource in Felam district has been endorsed by the investment office following assessment by the State's Water, Mines and Energy Bureau.

The Investor has now been issued with work licence and provided with ten hectare of land around the site of his future mineral water bottling factory. The factory envisaged for completion within the coming two years will produce 19 million 200,000 bottles of mineral water per year and provide seasonal and permanent employment opportunities for 60 people.


ESRDF Undertaking Various Projects in Benishangul -Gumuz

Assossa, November 14 (WIC)—The Benshangul-Gumuz Branch Office of Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and Development Fund (ESRDF) announced that it is undertaking various projects this year with an outlay of 13.3 million birr. Branch Office Head Aweke Kassa said today that eighty-four on-going and sixty-nine new development projects were being executed in Assosa, Metekel and Kamash zones.

Aweke further said that 21 education, 38 health, and 94 water projects were to be carried out in accordance with the demand of the community, adding that 10 per cent of the total cost would be covered by the community. According to the Branch Office Head one health, one education and eighteen water projects have become operational in the region so far benefiting 15,331 people living in various woredas of the community.

It is to be recalled that the Office had last year undertaken fifty-four projects which made 45,000 people beneficiaries.


House Speaker Says Ehtio-Turkish Bilateral Relations Satisfactory

  • Seyom says Ethiopia Keen to Learn From Experiences of Turkey

ADDIS ABABA, November 14 (ENA)- The on-going Ethio-Turkish joint commission meeting is a clear testimony to the fact that the bilateral ties between the two countries has reached a satisfactory level, Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives said. Dawit Yohannes said a conducive atmosphere has been created to shore up the Ethio-Turkish relations in various fields of cooperation. The Speaker made the remarks during discussions with Turkish delegation led by Minister of State of Turkey, Mehmet Kececiler, here yesterday. The Turkish private sector can play a substantial role in the development efforts here in Ethiopia, Dawit said. Having fully reversed Eritrea's flagrant invasion, Ethiopia has redirected its focus of attention to the development efforts, the Speaker told the Turkish Minister. Kececiler said on his part that the two countries should work more towards the consolidation of their trade relations.

A delegation of Turkish businesspersons would come to Ethiopian next February in accordance with the trade agreement reached between the two nations in 1998, Kececiler said. Meanwhile, the Minister, of Foreign Affairs said Ethiopia is keen to draw lessons from Turkish vast experience in the areas of irrigation development and hydro-electric power generation. Seyoum Mesfin made the remarks during talks with State Minister of the Turkish Republic Mehmet Kececiler, at his office here yesterday. The on-going Ehtio-Turkish joint commission meeting being held here in Addis Ababa would help cement the existing bilateral ties between the two nations, a spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted Seyoum as saying.

Mehmet Kececiler said on his part that investment cooperation and avoidance of double taxation agreements expected to be signed during the meeting would help enhance the two countries' ties in the fields of trade and investment. Kececiler also expressed Turkish construction companies willingness to engage in construction activities here in Ethiopia. The Turkish Minister seized the occasion to vent his pleasure over the conclusion of the Ethio-Eirtrean border war and the successful completion of the multi-party elections held in the country last May.

Kececiler is here to attend the four-day Ethio-Turkish joint commission meeting.


Seyoum Expresses Ethiopia's Unreserved, Full Support to UNMEE

ADDIS ABABA, November 14 (ENA)—Foreign Minister Seyom Mesfin said the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) would not face any impediment from the Ethiopian side while it is discharging its peacekeeping mission. Seyom said it was his government's firm conviction that full understanding and cooperation would prevail between Ethiopia and the peacekeeping mission. The Foreign Minister made the remarks while conferring with Legwaila Joseph Legwaila, UN Secretary General Special Representative appointed to lead UNMEE, here yesterday.

Ethiopia would continue to extend unreserved support to the permanent special representative of the UN Secretary Kofi Annan , a spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted Seyom as saying. Legwaila said on his part that full cooperation with UNMEE would enable to deploy the peace-keeping mission according to the agreement signed between the two countries on 18, June 2000.

He said the peace keeping mission would be fully deployed until January 2001. The first UNMEE committee meeting would take place here in Addis Ababa on 20 November, this year, the spokesperson quoted Legwaila as saying. The special representative has also seized the occasion to applaud Ethiopia's unconditional support to the UN peace keeping efforts.



Somaliland Seeks Economic Ties With Ethiopia
A high-level delegation of break-away Somaliland led by President Ibrahim
Igal, is in Addis Ababa to explore trade and economic ties with Ethiopia.

Somaliland's foreign minister, Mohammed Nur, told journalists in Addis Ababa
Friday that the delegation came to Ethiopia to brief the authorities on what
Somaliland could offer in terms of trade and economic ties.

He stated that Somaliland's Berbera port has "a large capacity, including
oil storage facility" that Somaliland is ready to share with Ethiopia for
its import-export trade, he added.

Nur reiterated that breakaway Somaliland was not interested in reviving the
unity of Somalia.

"We have no contact with the recently elected government of Somalia
following peace talks in Djibouti, and have no desire to do so in the
future," he emphasised.

He stated that Somaliland was doing well on its own and has no desire to
tamper with the safety and tranquillity prevailing in the country by getting
involved in Somalia politics dominated by rival war-lords.

Nur said that the Somaliland delegation seeks to conclude "a Memorandum of
Understanding" on trade and economic relations during the current visit.

The delegation, comprising eight ministers, including those of foreign
affairs, trade and transport and communications, arrived in Addis Ababa
Wednesday night.
Polio Immunization Campaign to Be Launched in Eastern Ethiopia
Preparations have been finalized to immunize more than 500,000 children in
Somali State, Ethiopia, in a campaign against polio, local medical
authorities announced at the weekend.

The house-to-house campaign is due to start from November 17-23 in all the
nine zones in the state.

More than 3,000 medical workers and support staff are expected to take part
in the campaign, which is the second of its kind since 1999.

The Ethiopian Health Ministry initiated a nation-wide polio immunization
campaign last November. All the children under five years old in the country
are to be covered in the campaign.

In late October, Addis Ababa health authorities announced that some 500,000
children living in the metropolis will get polio vaccination soon.

Ethiopia Earns Over 5 Million U.S. Dollars From Livestock Export
Ethiopia earned more than 46.7 million birr (about 5.6 million U.S. dollars)
from the export of cattle and meat products in its last fiscal year ending
in July, the Ethiopian Herald newspaper reported Sunday.

The income surpassed that of the preceding year by over 9 million birr
(about 1 million dollars), an official of the Animal Products Marketing
Development Enterprise was quoted as saying.

According to the official, Ethiopia's cattle and meat products are mainly
exported, among others, to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Federal High Court jails eight former officials
The Federal High Court on Thursday 9th November sentenced eight former
officials found guilty of committing extra-judicial killings to ten years
rigorous imprisonment each.

The First Criminal Bench of the court, which passed the sentence on the
genocide convicts who were all members of the Red Terror committee of the
eastern Awash state farm during the reign of the military regime, fall under
special prosecutor's charge-sheet bearing the list of suspects indicted
along with the late Lt Commander Lema Gutema.

The court passed the sentence on Gulilat Kibret, Wondosen Demise, Tesfaye
Yazew, Tadese Malima, Zewde Melaku, Aster Legese, Woinshet Taye and Haile
Amede, who were convicted of, among others, torturing, maiming and shooting
down a number of Red Terror victims. The Red Terror perpetrators had
committed the crimes in premeditated free acts under the umbrella of
dictatorial authority, the court said.


Ethiopia and Cuba Signed Agreements
ADDIS ABABA --Ethiopia and Cuba have signed agreements on education and
trade, with more such accords yet to come, Ethiopian Minister of Trade and
Industry Kassahun Ayele said here Tuesday.

Kassahun told mass media that the agreements were signed in Havana, Cuba
the end of the Ethio-Cuban Joint Economic Cooperation Commission meeting
held on
November 2-4.

Under the education agreement, Ethiopian students will benefit from Cuban
scholarship grants in graduate and post graduate studies in agriculture and
water resource utilization, while Cuban educators will render free teaching
services in vocational education in Ethiopia to support the country's new
educational policy to be launched next academic year. (Ethiopia-Cuba)

ETHIOPIA: Refugees leave camps after 9 years

During the past fortnight, about 600 Ethiopian returnees who had been
in refugee camps since they returned to Ethiopia after the fall of the Siad
Barre regime in Somalia in 1991 were assisted to go back to their regions
origin within Ethiopia, UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski said on Friday. They
received the same package as Somali refugees on their departure, including
and non-food items as well as a transportation allowance, he said. So far
year, some 7,000 Ethiopians have been assisted in this manner to start a
life in their home country, he added.

ETHIOPIA: Patriarch honoured for helping refugee cause

The Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abune Paulos, has been
as a recipient of the Nansen Medal awarded annually by the UNHCR to those
have helped the refugee cause. Paulos, "a renowned scholar, peace advocate
former exile in the US", has worked on reconciliation between Ethiopia and
Eritrea, a UN press release stated. The refugee agency this year departed
the usual practice of awarding only one medal and the Ethiopian cleric was
of four people honoured to mark the 50th anniversary of the UNHCR. The
were: Dr Lao Mong Hay, a pro-democracy activist in Cambodia; Bosnian film
producer Jelena Silajdzic; and Argentine pianist Miguel Angel Estrella. The
medals will be given out in separate ceremonies to be held in Addis Ababa,
Bangkok, Prague and Buenos Aires later this month, the press release
stated. The
Nansen Medal was launched in 1955 by UNHCR's first High Commissioner, GJ
Heuven Goedhart, and named after the Norwegian polar explorer and
Fridtjof Nansen, who was first League of Nations High Commissioner for
and winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Peace.

Ethiopia, Kenya agree to cooperate in resolving border security

Ethiopia and Kenya have signed an agreement to strengthen their relations
overcoming any form of anti-peace activities at their common border. The
agreement was signed at a meeting in Awasa [southern Ethiopia] of the two
countries' joint border commission and border administrators.

According to the agreement, the two countries have agreed to cooperate in
resolving security problems at their borders. They also agreed to exchange
information through radio contacts, to conduct cross border trade and
transportation in a manner that respects mutual interests of both

The officials also decided that the next joint meeting would be held next
April in Mombasa, Kenya.

Ethiopia Adopts, Implements Land Policy Addressing Majority: Speaker

ADDIS ABABA, Monday (ENA) - Speaker of the House of the Federation says the
Ethiopian government has adopted and implemented a land policy addressing
the interests of the largest majority of the society by creating the
opportunity of equal access to land as the strategic prerequisite "for the
provision of adequate shelter for all".
Almaz Meko was speaking here today at the opening of a three-day regional
African ministerial conference on the implementation of the habitat agenda
of Istanbul +5 UN conference for human settlements.
She said Ethiopia was committed to implement the habitat agenda through
progressive realization of the right to adequate housing by providing legal
security of tenure and equal access to land for all.
Almaz said, "privatisation of public housing is proceeding as planned and
is intended to secure housing rights while facilitating private initiatives
in the provision of housing, infrastructure and services".
She said a comprehensive capacity-building program was also being
implemented at national, regional and local urban levels.

· * *

Foundation Pledges to Intensify Reproductive Health Services in Ethiopia

BAHIR-DAR, Monday (ENA) - Packard foundation, a humanitarian organisation,
says it would further step up its reproductive health intervention
activities in Ethiopia.
A viable working conditions exist in the health sector development program
in the country, the foundation's senior official said.
Population affairs director with the foundation, Dr. Sara Clark, said that
the organisation has planned to underpin the health sector by increasing
its fund from 16 million U.S. dollars to 18.5 million U.S. dollars until
the end of this year.
The director made the remarks here yesterday at the opening of the
national conference on the youth reproductive health that convened here in
the Amahra State's capital.
Ethiopia has won priority in the foundation's assistance, for its sound
policies in the areas of population, HIV/AIDS prevention, woman affairs and
other reproductive health related issues, Dr. Sara said.

· * *

Minister Urges Scholars to Work Vigorously for Reinstitution of Cultural

ADDIS ABABA, Monday (ENA) - The collection, restoration and preservation of
Ethiopian cultural heritages currently in the custody of foreign
institutions and individuals should continue more vigorously and
systematically, the minister of education said here today.
At her opening address to the 14th international conference of Ethiopian
studies, Genet Zewdie said substantial objects and other materials of
Ethiopia's cultural heritage are still in the custody of foreign
institutions and individuals.
Generations of vanguards of Ethiopian studies have always been
instrumental in the collection and preservation of Ethiopian cultural
heritages within the country as individuals, institutions or societies, the
minister said.
The education minister said she believed the new federal structure, the
multilingual policy of education and the expansion of higher educational
institutions into the regions, among others, would attract many researchers
in the years to come to the country.
The minister said her office and the government would continue to support
research and scholarship along these directions.

Meles Confers with International Mediators

ADDIS ABABA, Tuesday (ENA) - Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has received and
held two-rounds of talks with international mediators of the Ethio-Eritrean
second phase proximity talks held recently in Algeris.
A spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told ENA yesterday that
the mediators who conferred with Meles were special envoys of the
presidents of Algeria, Abdel Kader Massahel, and U.S.A, Anthony Lake.
The spokesperson said the discussions were part of the shuttle diplomacy
the mediators pledged to make between Addis Ababa and Asmara at the first
round of the second phase of the peace talks.
The second phase of the proximity talks ended without any breakthrough
owing to the intrasigent attitude of Eritrea.

* * *

President Negaso Leaves for Saudi Arabia

ADDIS ABABA, Tuesday (ENA) - President Negaso Gidada left here today for
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for a medical follow-up, a spokesperson of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
The president had recently received medical treatment in Riyadh with the
support of the people and government of Saudi Arabia, according to the
The federal government of Ethiopia appreciates the government of Saudi
Arabia for its cooperation President Negaso Gidada to receive the
appropriate medical treatment in the country, it said.

* * *

Charity to Undertake over 8.7 Million Birr Projects

DESSIE, Tuesday (ENA) - Cope, an Italian humanitarian organization, has
announced plans to undertake potable water projects in rural localities of
Waghimira zone of the Amhara state at a cost of over 8.7 million birr
during the next three yeas.
Social affairs experts with the organization, Debebe Getaneh, told ENA
recently that the envisaged projects included, among others, the sinking of
15 water-wells and the development of springs in two drought-prone woredas
of the zone.
He said the organization would also build small-scale irrigation schemes
to foster the efforts exerted to ensure food security in the areas.
Upon going fully operational, the projects would serve over 16,000 people
in the woredas, he said.

Mayor of London Urges Return of Ethiopian Treasures

ADDIS ABABA, Saturday (ENA) - Britain's first elected mayor, Ken Livington
had announced that he supports the return of Ethiopia's historic treasures
looted from Emperor Tewodros's capital at Maqdala in 1968, the Association
for the Return of the Maqdala Ethiopian Treasures (AFROMET) said.
In a leter addressed to AFROMET vice-chairman, Professor Richard
Pankhurst, Mayor Livngton has declared that the issue is very significant
for the Ethiopian community both in Britannia and abroad.
"I support your campaign, since it will stand to preserve the cultural
heritage of Ethiopia by creating links to the past," Ken Livington said.
AFROMET chairman, professor Andreas Eshete commented that the development
is important in that Ken Livington is the mayor of London, a city which is
the repository of most of the loot from Maqdala.
Ethiopian loot currently in London includes a crown and a chalice, both of
solid gold, now in the Victoria and Albert museum, over three hundred fine
manuscripts on parchment in the British library as well as numerous
processional and other crosses and ten tabots (holy altar slabs) in the
British museum, AFROMET said.

· * *

133,000 Farmers Receive Relief Food

ASBETEFRI, Sunday (ENA) - Relief food has been apportioned among nearly
133,000 farmers affected by food shortage in western Harerghe Zone of the
Oromiya State.
The zonal disaster prevention and preparedness department said the stated
number of farmers had received 56,884 quintals of food grain, 2,000
quintals of nutritious food and 20,600 litters of edible oil over the past
three months.
The emergency relief food was obtained from the federal Disaster
Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) and donors, department head,
Benko Taye said.

Sudan Eyes at Highway Access into Ethiopia: Radio

ADDIS ABABA, Thursday (ENA) - Sudan has decided to finalize the
construction of an asphalt road linking Denguli and Gelebat with the
bordering Ethiopian town, Metema, Radio Omdurman reported.
The radio quoted the Deputy President Ali Osman Mohammed Taha as saying
that the construction of the road is believed to be instrumental in
promoting the political, social, security and economic development of the
The road, according to the radio's report, is expected to be opened to
traffic next year.
He said the road, which has a continental standard, would help Sudan
contribute her share to the African common market programme.

* * *

Netherlands Foreign Affairs Minister to Visit Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA, Thursday (ENA) - Netherlands minister for foreign affairs will
visit Ethiopia between the 7th and 8th of November.
A press release issued by the Netherlands Embassy here today said Jozias
Van Aartsen is expected to meet and hold discussions with senior Ethiopian
government officials.
He will also meet high officials of the OAU and UNMEE, the release said.

* * *

House Deliberates on Bills for Endorsements of Bilateral Agreements

ADDIS ABABA, Thursday (ENA) - The House of Peoples' Representatives today
deliberated on bills of various agreements Ethiopia signed with Russia, the
Sudan and Greece.
The House during its 3rd regular congress looked into the bill on the
agreement reached between Ethiopia and Russia to exempt from double
taxation on income and capital.
The agreement was aimed at expediting exchange of goods and services as
well as free flow of capital and enterprise between the two countries
through mutually constant taxation on investments.
The parliament has also discussed a bill on the endorsement of the
Ethio-Sudan investment security and promotion agreement.
The agreement was said to be instrumental in bolstering the bilateral ties
besides promoting investment cooperation between the two countries.

Immunization Campaigns in Ethiopia Said Successful
Addis Ababa, November 2(ENA)--The Ministry of Health (MOH) says immunization
campaign conducted during the last three years for the eradication of polio
from Ethiopia has been successful.
Family Health Department head with MOH, Dr. Tesfanesh Belay, attributed the
success mainly to what she said "unprecedented co-operation from a large
coalition of partners and organizations in and out of the country".
Dr. Tesfanesh made the report here on Tuesday at a half-day workshop on the
orientation of the National Immunization Campaign to be conducted in
She said polio vaccines had been administered to nearly 36 million children
under the age of five throughout the country and even in remote and
inaccessible areas.
Approximately 75,000 health workers and volunteers were deployed to
implement the campaign in 78,000 vaccination posts, health centers, clinics,
Kebele offices and schools, she said.
She said there were plans to immunize about 11 million children during the
current campaign, adding vaccinations would be given in reach-out services
to 46 Zones in all the States.

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