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Ethiopian Music Legend





Ethiopia holds state funeral for ‘legendary' vocalist Tilahun Gessesse

Nazret.com - ‎9 minutes ago‎
APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Ethiopia is hosting a state funeral for its “legendary” artist with thousands of people gathered at the Mesquel Square in Addis ...

Sudan: Ethiopia Respects Words to Welcome Al-Bashir Ethio-Sudan ...

AllAfrica.com - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎
Addis Abeba — Ethiopian government proved its position in making practical action it has been promising to welcome Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir despite ...

The president of the Republic Field Marshal Omar Al Bashir has ...

SOL - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎
SUNA- The President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omar Al Bashir on Tuesday expressed his appreciation for the government and people of Ethiopia for the ...

Beshir: convoy wasn't smuggling

News24.com - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
Addis Ababa - The truck convoy destroyed by a foreign air strike in Sudan earlier this year was not smuggling weapons, Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir ...

Tilahun Gessesse, Leading Ethiopian Singer, Dies

Washington Post Blogs - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
Tilahun Gessesse, a dominant musical voice in his native Ethiopia, died April 19 in Addis Ababa. He was 68. One news story called him the ''Ethiopian ...

RIP Tilahun Gessesse

Exclaim! - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
Tilahun Gessesse, possibly the most popular singer of Ethiopia's “Golden Age Of Music,” has died. Though suffering from diabetes for many years, ...

The Greatest Ethiopian singer of all time, the legendary Tilahun ...

Ethio Planet News - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
The late Tilahun passed away while he was being taken to hospital feeling serious pain. He had arrived later on same day from New York, USA, according to ...

Ethiopia: Al-Bashir arrives in Addis Ababa

Le Mali en ligne - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
Despite an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against him, Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir has arrived in Addis Ababa, ...

Sudan's President al Bashir arrives in Ethiopia for talks

African Press Agency (subscription) - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al Bashir arrived in Addis Ababa on Tuesday leading a high level delegation to the annual ...


Walta Information Center - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
By Yohannes Gebresellasie (Ph.D) Canada A giant and grand pillar of Ethiopian music par excellelance with a unique, unmatched, exuberating and electrifying ...

Could Tilahun's death have been prevented?

Ethiopian Review - ‎Apr 21, 2009‎
An interview with Tilahun Gessesse's wife Wzr. Roman Bezu indicates that his life could have been spared on Sunday had he received timely medical care in ...

Al Bashir Leads Sudan Delegation to Ethiopia, Today

Sudan Vision - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
Diplomatic sources released that President Al Bashir will lead today Sudan's delegation to participate in the Ethiopia-Sudanese Joint Committee two-day ...

Sudanese media advertize Bashir's visit to Ethiopia

Sudan Tribune - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
April 20, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese media extensively advertized today the travel of the President Omer Al-Bashir tomorrow to Addis Ababa in a way to ...

Ethiopia's "Father of modern music" dies at 69

Sudan Tribune - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
By Tesfa-alem Tekle April 20, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Ethiopia's leading Singer ,the legendary Tilahun Gessesse passed away on Sunday midnight at the age of 69 ...

Ethiopia's greatest singer of all time, Tilahun Gessesse, dies

Nazret.com - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
Ethiopia's greatest singer of all time, Tilahun Gessesse passed away on Easter Sunday at age 68, the state-run Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) reported. ...

Ethiopia's legendary singer Tilahun Gessesse dies

Jimma Times - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
The renowned and veteran Ethiopian singer Tilahun Gessesse died at the age of 68 on Sunday night in Addis Ababa. Tilahun, who has been getting threatment ...

Sudan's president al-Bashir to visit Ethiopia

Ethiopian Review - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (AFP) - Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was set to visit Ethiopia on his latest foreign trip since an international arrest warrant ...

Legendary Ethiopian singer Tilahun Gessesse passes away

Ethiopian Politics - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
“All FM radio stations in Addis are playing his songs and re-running old interviews with the singer. People from all parts of the country are calling to ...

Ethiopia - Sudan: Omar el-Bashir expected in Addis Ababa

Afrik.com - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎
Sudanese President Omar El-Bashir, who is the subject of an international arrest warrant from the ICC, will travel Monday evening to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ...

Tilahun Gesesse passes away

Walta Information Center - ‎Apr 20, 2009‎


On Stage Tilahun

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